Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Downward Spiral.

Jimmy Carter just gets crazier and crazier as the years go by...
"I live in the South, and I've seen the South come a long way, and I've seen the rest of the country that shares the South's attitude toward minority groups at that time, particularly African-Americans." "That racism inclination still exists, and I think it's bubbled up to the surface because of belief among many white people -- not just in the South but around the country -- that African-Americans are not qualified to lead this great country. I think that boy is perfectly qualified to lead this country."
Okay, I made that last sentence up, but given all the other bizarre crap that's popped out of Jimmy Carter's mouth since he went crazy just after the turn of the millennium, it wouldn't have shocked me one little bit.

Back when he was still in the big chair, busily flushing the country down the tubes, I had a really hard time hatin' on the man. Despite all his preachiness, all his pious wrong-headedness, Jimmy Carter came across as though he had not a mean bone in his body. For the first decade or so after he was run out of Washington on a rail, he confined himself to writing mindlessly cheerful little books that read as though they'd been ghost-written by Stuart Smalley and building houses for poor people with his own two hands and that was okay by me. I kept referring to him as "America's best ex-President".

And then sometime around '03 or '04, he just went completely nuts.

Put a sock in it, Jimmy, please. I'd like to remember you as a friendly, if misguided, useful idiot, not the withered old sack of vituperation you've turned into.


  1. He was nuts then too.

    Don't believe me? Just list off his cabinet.

    Shootin' Buddy

  2. Yeah, but it seemed like a friendly kind of nuts. Not the crazy-mean kind of nuts he is today.

  3. Tam: Your memories of Carter's Presidency are far more benign than mine. I struggled, I mean STRUGGLED, to pay bank interest of 21% on our farm loans during his Presidency. To me he has always been a complete nimcompoop and ranks right up there with the current idiot and LBJ.

    You give him far more credit than he deserves and his latest offering just fits in perfectly with his other idioticies. Doesn't surprise me a bit. He is just as bad a judge of human nature and human behavior as he was a President.

    All The Best,
    Frank W. James

  4. Well, when I was in school, we did sing:

    "My bologna has a first name,
    It's J-I-M-M-Y.
    My bologna has a second name,
    I hate to hear it every day,
    And if you ask me why, I'll say,
    'Cause Jimmy Carter has a way,
    Of f^%&ing up the USA.

  5. Heh, out version down in Texas was somewhat similar:

    "My peanut has a first name.
    it's J-I-M-M-Y,
    My peanut has a second name,
    We love to smash it every day,
    And if you ask me why, I'll say,
    'Cause Jimmy Carter has a way,
    of f&9!ing up the USA."

    I wonder if versions of this song were sung by schoolkids all over the country?

  6. I used to think Carter was a well meaning but ineffective do-gooder. Lately I have concluded that he is sheer evil hidden behind a bland mask. He's a Satanic Mister Rogers.

    The only alternative to willful evil is dementia, which is possible I suppose, but he seems fairly lucid in his Jew hating, dictator fellating America hating rants.

  7. Anyone else notice that a southerner called a black man (well, half-black man) BOY? Thought that was racist, where's the big condemation and running out of town on a rail? Larry Weeks

  8. "Anyone else notice that a southerner called a black man (well, half-black man) BOY?"

    I clearly indicated that that part was a joke; I added it. Jimmy Carter did not call anybody "boy", at least that I am aware of.

  9. I remember watching him walking down the street during his inauguration and saying to my father, maybe it won't be so bad. My father rolled his eyes and said "say that in two years".

    It's been a little over eight months of hope and change, to see the true effect of his policies (to date) you have to wait, at least, another 16 months. We are today still running on "Bush's Stupid Economic Moves, The Final Chapter". We have not even reached the trainwreck of those yet. It's not gonna be pretty, and those of us that lived through the Carter years, are going to wish it was "only" that bad.

  10. The only thing that Carter got correct that I know of was his effort to create a rational energy policy, particularly WRT oil. He was ignored.

    But you take a look at Hubbert's Pimple and read what folks like Matt Simmons have said and are saying, and Carter was correct.

    Outside of that? His face was flushed, but, unfortunately, his broad shoulders saved him.


  11. I'm still agnostic on the peak oil scenario, or at least its date.

  12. "...bizarre crap that's popped out of Jimmy Carter's mouth since he went crazy just after the turn of the millennium..."

    Um, he's been saying stupid shit just since the millennium? News to me.

    Seriously, that stupid old man hasn't been relevant in any way since '81 (probably long before that), and he should know it by now. Someone needs to put him in a home, under close supervision, preferably with heavy medication.

    Jeezis, isn't it perfectly obvious to everyone that he's gone completely senile?

  13. I had no problem hatin' on him in the late 70's. His weakness was disgusting and dangerous. The man tries to claim the moral high-ground in every debate, yet he lacked the moral clarity to identify the evil of Communism or Islamic terrorism - much less the courage to ever confront them.

    The fake Christianity he always used to disguise his ambition and weakness disgusted me. I find the refreshing open meanness and shit-headedness of the current Jimmy Carter preferable.

  14. I initially thought Carter had the proper qualifications for Pres: Naval officer, farmer (capitalist), governor and relatively honest. Although I voted for Ford, I was happy for a "choice" and not the "lessor of two evils." It didn't take long to change my mind.

    I think Carter is backing Obama so that history will no longer show Carter as the worst recent president.

    Where is the killer rabbit when we need him?

  15. Ironic that Jimmy Carter is saying we hate Obama 'cause he's black, when in reality most of us don't give a flying fuck about the man's skin color, but are rather more concerned about the fact that he's like Jimmy Carter!

  16. Tam, That's the best laugh I've had all day, the sentence you added.

    But, what's the problem with what Carter said? On my blog I recently asked the commenters if any of them would admit to being racists. Amazingly, not one came forth. I guess it's the same over here, huh? In fact over here you guys all seem to agree that President Carter is crazy for even talking about the taboo subject.

    I say there are many critics of Obama who are motivated by racism, but their integrity is not sufficient to overcome the stigma of being seen as a racist. So they will never admit it.

  17. "I say there are many critics of Obama who are motivated by racism, but their integrity is not sufficient to overcome the stigma of being seen as a racist."

    Or maybe they aren't racists at all. Just because someone doesn't like Obama doesn't make them racist.

    "Why am I going to hate someone based solely on the color of their skin when if I get to know them I can find 1,000 other reasons to think they're an asshole?"
    -George Carlin

  18. The Simpson's were right. Little Jimmy Carter is history's greatest monster.


  19. "Um, he's been saying stupid shit just since the millennium? News to me."

    No, he's always said stupid shit, it's just that it turned shrill and hateful since the millennium. Before, it was just goofy and wrong.

  20. "...I guess it's the same over here, huh? In fact over here you guys all seem to agree that President Carter is crazy for even talking about the taboo subject..."


    I know you are dim, but when who was it who brought up the subject of race regarding the Wilson outburst?

    Was it Joe Wilson???

    Think really hard, little boy.

    Quit it with the projection, willya? I know it's just about the only card you idiot Leftists play in these situations, but it's getting old, and besides, it's always been thin, and that's about as much as I can say for my patience with the likes of you.

    Verstehst du?

  21. Let's give Jimmy a week and see if he advises rounding up all these "Racists" and sending them to "Mental Health Therapy Camps" to cure their mental defect.
    There's a "Final Solution" for you.

  22. Thought you might enjoy this

  23. In fact over here you guys all seem to agree that President Carter is crazy for even talking about the taboo subject.
    No, no, no. We just think Jimmeh's crazy, period. Are you ever going to admit to enabling those folks who produce teh kiddie pr0n? I didn't think so...

    WV: beatesse. Yep, if you said to people's faces the majority of what you said or implied about them on your blog, you'd get the esse beat out of you.

  24. The Fudgie Ghost says:

    Carter was a disaster from the get-go. IIRC, (I was 20 when he was elected) his VERY first act as president was the pardon to all draft evaders.

    Quite a slap in the face to those who were drafted and served.

    Someone above said: "The fake Christianity he always used to disguise his ambition and weakness disgusted me."

    Very true.

    Word verification: "ouckf"

    "As his fist slammed into his solar plexus, he let out a muffled "ouckf" and fell over."

  25. I gotta go with Carlin on this one.

    I know too many people to think that one particular race or color matters a whit about what an individual is capable of.

    What I know about Obama is that he was raised radical Muslim, and the same Chicago politicians that sold his vacated Senate seat - put him there in the first place. I know that the ACORN organization that is his sole publicly acknowledged work background is corrupt and anti-social as Marx and Lenin - and apparently B. Hussein Obama's hometown hero, Al Capone.

    That concerns me.

    The fact that Obama works his office like a mafioso protection racket, that bothers me.

    The fact that he has the nerve to describe the heart-felt opposition of many good and thoughtful American citizens to the ObamaCare plans as childish "bickering" bothers me. No President should be allowed to consider himself/herself the sole adult in a crowd of children. This is scary stuff.

    The fact that B. Hussein Obama would quit his chosen church after 20 years of attendance because it hurt his chance at office casts serious question on his discipline, his honor, his loyalty, and his honesty. Not to mention what he actually believes about anything. This concerns me.

    The fact that the African-American community made all the media, by demonstrating they voted straight racial lines. This is the only aspect of racism that really concerns me about the Presidency of B. Hussein Obama. All my other concerns are about criminal associates and abuse of office.

  26. "I'd like to remember you as a friendly, if misguided, useful idiot, not the withered old sack of vituperation you've turned into."

    There you go again.

  27. Good one, MikeB, you've run rings around us all, logically.

    "It doesn't matter if you say you aren't racists, I say you are and that's what counts."

    Truly, yours is the superior intellect. What do you do for fun, when not splitting atoms... with your mind?

    tw: ligratti. Haven't a clue, but I'm not waiting for Mikey to weigh in to declare it RAAAAAACIST!!!!eleven!!

  28. Boy Tam, don't know how I missed when you said you made up the last. Guess I tend to go off half-cocked when I see a stupid liberal like Jimmy. I always thought of him as a harmless idiot, but like you and many others have said, he seems to be getting nuttier as the years go by. Beginning to Clinton's brother look smart. Sorry for missing your sentence. Larry

  29. He's coming close to obtaining a reputation similar to that of Lyndon LaRouche.

  30. The latest cover of Newsweek says your baby is racist, or can be - or something.
    Of course it's excerpted from something by the idiot Po Bronson so goes wherever the devolution of the human-potential movement is headed, along with Jimmy "Greaseball" Carter.
    I'm really ashamed to admit that I voted for him, to be honest I was an idiot college student.

  31. OMGOSH! Just stumbled upon you blog because I thought I might've sang a silly song about Jimmy Carter as a child and thought maybe i was crazy because no one around me knew what i was talking about... I knew it went to the Bologna song! LMAO!
    I can remember singing it, even here in the blue state of NJ!

  32. Anon 4:01, it was stupid enough to have issued from Carter, but my first impression was that Tam had slipped in a quote from Kleagle Byrd. It really sounds like what that old Klansman would have said (largely because it's much like what he has said in the past).

    DirtCrashr... Newsweek, right? The very same rag that boldly proclaimed "We're all socialists now!" after the Inaurguration? The same that published the completely bogus Koran flushing story, resulting in riots and killings among devotees of the Neolithic Death Cult? The one run by Evan Thomas, who said Obama was above the world, "like God?" The same Evan Thomas that defended his shoddy participation in the media feeding frenzy aiding POS Nifong in railroading a bunch of innocent college students by saying "We had the right narrative, the facts were wrong?"

    That Newsweek? Yeah, okay. Just checking. What other revelations do they have for us?

  33. He did say something very close to that. Pr. Carter called Barack Obama a "black boy". And not just in Maureen Dowd's head, but right out loud. Here's a quote from 8/5/2009 on the PBS Newshour:

    JIM LEHRER: And do you think that -- if it happens that he is elected, or even just being nominated, is -- will send positive ripple effects throughout the country on the race issue?

    JIMMY CARTER: Around the world. Around the world. And I think it already has sent a wave of approbation and admiration in many countries around the world, just knowing that this black boy who grew up with just a loving mother and grandparents -- and that was about all he had to start with -- does now have a chance to become the nominee of the Democratic Party for president.

    Here's the link:

    It's near the end of the interview.


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