Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Your daily moment of pop culture wisdom:

The movie Ruthless People had a line in it that suddenly has new relevance for me:
Lt. Walters: "This could very well be the stupidest person on the face of the earth. Perhaps we should shoot him."

The guys at Men Are Not Potatoes have found someone who fits that description to a "T".

You have to wonder how someone like that remembers to fricken' breathe.


  1. Someone like that should at least be encouraged to reduce their carbon footprint to zero. Beyond that, I get really annoyed when religious fanatics like that start telling the rest of us how to live.

  2. I linked this blog like....RFN.

  3. Hi Tam and Everyone,

    First of all, thanks for reading.

    As to this little gem, I look at it as a testament to the power and diversity of the market. Our economy has such a huge honkin' surplus, we can support an entire wingnut sub-economy loopy enough to include this treasure.

  4. Ummm...if this was female, this would be my ex-wife. And the REASON she is my EX wife. I SWEAR, she was sane when I met her....

  5. I personally liked the comment, "That's not surplus production, that's a surplus person," enough to feel that it bore repeating.

    Sadly, I know people like this.

  6. I gotta tell you, someone that careful about his diet and fitness and cleanliness is gonna butcher up real nice.

    vegan. It's what's for dinner.

  7. Prob'ly way too stringy. I like a bit of marbling for tenderness.

  8. Tam, you are surfing way to deep.
    How about a little effort into what WE like. Guns, range reports, like that.
    Gazing into the nether world is what can get from the San Francisco webs.
    These people we smile at and nod our head, and keep walking.

  9. He needs to be hectored for oppressing plants and making them his food providing slaves.

    Cannibalism is the only cure for plant and animal oppression by humans.

    He'll just have to understand that his sacrifice is for the greater good.

    The gun is good .... the penis is bad!

  10. Those are just their slave names.

    Well played, ma'am. Well played.

  11. Did you note that the person in question goes into great detail about those cats which allow themselves to be kept by the moron in question, immediately after stating opposition to the idea of domesticated animals?

    Perhaps this guy is a cousin:

    Obviously missed the day in class for his Burglary 101 course when the teacher said, "Don't lunge at people with knives. And especially don't lunge at people with very big knives."

  12. "I like a bit of marbling for tenderness."

    True. but there's the Pate method of fattening up. A funnel and some dent corn, and a few weeks...

  13. And HIS vote counts just as much as YOURS does.

    (Fool thinks he OWNS a cat.)

  14. "Sadly, I know people like this."

    Yeah, me too. When I read the ad, I heard them saying it. Slightly nasal voice, frequent pauses to do tongue clicks, and the thumb and first two fingers held together like they were conducting a symphony.

    "vegan. It's what's for dinner."

    No. Not only is the meat stringy, this one hasn't had any herbal flavoring added.

  15. http://www.newsday.com/news/nation/college-student-with-sword-kills-burglary-suspect-1.1448693

    There can be only one!

  16. Sadly, I think it's a woman.
    No man says "childless by choice"
    And, all seriousness aside, I'm sure it wasn't her choice.

    WV: paryper ....
    I got nuthin

  17. This is not the idiot, the idiot is the person who applies.

  18. In fairness, a vegan message board is a target rich environment

  19. Plants aren't food, plants are what food eats.

    This useless growth is on a crusade, probably unknowing, to disconect herself from reality. And I do not mean "society," I mean actual honest to God concrete physical reality. This is the sort of person who thinks physics is a construct of the patriarchy, or that it's possible to create "feminist math."

  20. Oh Darn! I thought it was going to be the line about Debbie not being able to come to the phone.

  21. "I like a little marbling for tenderness."

    Would giving them a sound, pre-slaughter beating tenderize them, d'ya think? What about marinating them in beer?

    @mossyrock: "I SWEAR, she was sane when I met her..."
    Yeah, I know plenty of people who seemed rational at the time, and it's beginning to give me a complex. 'Is it just ME ???'

  22. "30 years old, female, and white... university education in sociology and philosophy..."
    Our society and economy is SO incredibly generous, especially to the fragile and mentally disturbed children of affluence and tender upbringing.


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