Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Filed under: Words I never thought I'd type...

I'm not sure exactly what it says about this administration that it makes Bill Clinton look better in retrospect, but it's nothing good.

The current freak show staffing the Executive Branch manages to combine the worst aspects of the ideological do-gooder ineptness of the Carter years with the well-oiled thuggishness of Clinton machine politics and the imperious self-righteousness of Dubya fresh out of a prayer meeting.

We've gone from Lyndon Baines Bush to Richard Milhous Obama...


  1. They said he'd work miracles...and they were right!

  2. "We've gone from Lyndon Baines Bush to Richard Milhous Obama..."

    Tam, you're way, way too charitable.


  3. Please don't demean the memory of "Tricky Dicky" (who gave us China) to Barry O (who wants to give us to China)

  4. Tricky Dicky gave us Wage & Price controls. Barack O'Alinsky hasn't even got that far yet...

  5. I suggest topless open carry protests by wookie suiter libertarians ... that'l speak truth to power, you betcha ...

  6. More like Warren Hussein Harding! The Obama adminstration more resembles the egregious corruption of the Harding administration and the self-righteousness of Carter. I think out of all this the only lust Obama feels in his heart is when he looks in the mirror. What a catastrophe!

  7. At least Clinton was (over)sensitive to public opinion. He was reachable, for better or for worse. Nothing gets through to Stinky.

  8. I would tongue-kiss ol' Billy Jeff right now, if it meant he was sitting in the office that the current douche is occupying.

    Never thought someone could make me miss Clinton.

  9. Bheh ...

    Hillary Clinton as one of the adults in the Whitehouse.

    Just when you think they can go no lower ...

  10. it just goes to show how mislead misinformed and brainwashed most of the country is. Some of us on the otherhand can't stand this current chicago mobsters thinking that we the peaple are idiots. He will be the unchosen one in as short a time as the term of his presidency is over.

  11. Seems lately every administration ends up making its predecessors look better and better in retrospect. What would you call that? A trend line?

    And let's not forget Tricky Dick's other adventures in "ultra right wing conservative governing." Wage and price controls is a good start, but let's not leave out EPA, OSHA, taking us completely off the gold standard, Title IX, and support for the ERA.

    Man, sometimes I swear I don't know why liberals hate ol' Tricky Dick so much. Must all come down to Hiss, eh?

  12. And we expected what, exactly, from a Chicago politician whose social and economic matriculation came at Saul Alinsky's knee?

    The man's narcissism is exceeded in its depth only by his lack of judgement, which in turn makes him incapable of recognizing how ill-founded is his self-regard.

    Change You Can Hope For!!!


    wv: dishma -- I dunno, a MILF?


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