Friday, September 25, 2009

I hate to break it to the hippies...

...but I've got a pretty airtight alibi for Saturday the twelfth.

I think the best (or at least the most darkly humorous) theory so far was advanced by John in comments here:
Personally, I was wondering if said 'Fed' because they couldn't spell 'revenuer'.

There are places on this planet, from Cabrini Green to Copperhead Road, where it's not the wisest thing to approach strangers and ask them questions about their career, source of household income, and suchlike.

Also, it seems that the initial AP report may be short on some key details and a bit, er, speculative on others.


  1. Doesn't AP stand for Approved 'Pinion?

  2. I think I googled along the same path last night. I mean, why isn't this all over the media? It bleeds, so it should lead. It's a lynching in the south. There's the black helicopter, bitter clinger, militia wack angle all ready for Contessa Brewer to distort.

    Sooner or later the true story will shake out.

  3. Overload in Colorado certainly deserves an honorable mention, though.

  4. Sounds like his feet were on the ground, which makes both the "lynching bee" and "despondent suicide" hypotheses unlikely, and leaves only the icky or pedestrian scenarios open.

  5. "I learned a few things from Charlie don't you know, better stay away from Copperhead Road".

    Man, now I need to listen to that song.

  6. My guess is that he either a) ran across a meth lab, or b) someone on "our" side really is that incredibly insane and stupid. If it's b), let it be known that their actions were, in fact, INSANELY STUPID.

    But I'd bet money it was a).

  7. I didn't even think that he might be, um, artistic.

    Was his car a Volkswagen? Was there a chain nearby?

  8. Tam said...
    "Sounds like his feet were on the ground, which makes both the "lynching bee" and "despondent suicide" hypotheses unlikely, and leaves only the icky or pedestrian scenarios open."

    Bingo. Like David Carradine, he probably had the Devil Inside.

  9. "Man, now I need to listen to that song."


    Also, a quote from the "bradblog" link: "We need to find them, take their guns, arrest them and put them in Hospitals for the mentally retarded."

    So... you desire to fight the American Taliban? Riiight. Hillbillies are so tough that not even progress can beat them.

  10. Silly. It's Revnooor. Us hoosiers will educate y'all yet.


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