Thursday, September 24, 2009

Trying to throw your arms around the world...

Hope & Change goes international as Barry leads the call to hang a metaphorical "Gun-Free Zone" sign on the globe by uninventing nuclear weapons, as though djinn can simply be ordered back into bottles by thinking happy thoughts.

It's almost pathetic, the mental picture of this grad-school wunderkind sitting across the poker table from the dons of Moscow and the oligarchs of Beijing, expecting that they will sincerely join him in giving up their ultima ratio politburo, (not to mention thinking that unstable delinquents like North Korea or Iran will cheerfully beat their switchblades into plowshares and join in the chorus of kumbaya.)

We haven't seen naivety like this in the oval office since Carter gave up peanut farming for geopolitics.


  1. It would be wonderful if it happened, though. Then we'd be back to the peaceful, safe, in harmony with the planet ways of July 15, 1945.

    Pity we can't "lock down" all the tanks and war airplanes. That would return us to the golden age of 1915.

    But be bold! Dare to imagine a world without petroleum's horror! What's that, 1862 or so? Ah, true peace...

  2. I no longer believe it is naivete. Based on the symptoms, I would conclude that it is narcissistic personality disorder.

  3. Or maybe a flat-out case of the stupids.

  4. Yeah, Barry O. does seem to think a lot of himself.

  5. "Those who beat their swords into plowshares will plow for those who don't"

  6. He is a scary man to have for president.


  7. I'm with the narcissist vote. He's the worst at a very critical time.
    The Israelis are about to jump. Alone. Let's just hope we don't shoot them down when they are over Iraq.

  8. The Fudgie Ghost says:

    He,(O), and those like him remind me of the pastor in the original "War of the Worlds" from the 50's. . . :

    "What if they just are trying to communicate? Why, what if we just try to be friendly?" Then he goes out reciting one the psalms (25th?)---and guess who's the first one vaporized by the Martians? Yep, old Father "lets-be-friends". . .

    Look, O's entitled to his ignorance, but for crying out loud, he's about to take this whole country with him. . .

    word verification: "cousan"

    Yeah, she's my "cousan", but I can still think she's hot!

  9. "Gun Free Zone" signs are ALL metaphorical.

  10. Sadly, this is largely the type of reaction I expect from rabid democrats (especially college professors who have never been out of academia in my experience): they imagine some scenario (such as communism or socialism) and just can't see what could possibly go wrong!

    Nothing a few minutes in the real world can't cure, but getting them to visit is a real problem.

  11. I laughed so hard I even read this to my wife. Thank you.

  12. The ironic thing is that if O succeeds in getting everyone to draw down their inventories, it makes it *more* attractive to use them because at some point there are few enough warheads going either way to make missile defense practical. (Contrast 60000+ apiece, where no matter what happens, more than enough are going to connect.)


  13. He's just following through on official US policy, as defined back in 1961 by:


    Freedom From War
    The United States Program
    for General and Complete
    Disarmament in a Peaceful

  14. Whether foreign policy or monetary policy or whatever policy, I call it "Ineptitude In Action".

    Arrogant ineptitude, at that...


  15. I didn't think it was a good idea when president Reagan proposed the same thing in Iceland when he was negotiating directly with the soviet leaders.

    It is well to know your history before you start attacking. I still think it is a bad idea, but bad ideas are not limited to one political camp.

  16. Travlin,

    I'm plenty aware of the Reykjavik talks, thanks much.

    You truly see no difference in means or ends?

  17. Obama keeps talking about no new fissionable material. What about tritium? From what I remember, most of our arsenal are boosted-yield and multi-stage warheads, and those need fresh tritium every so often.


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