Thursday, October 01, 2009

A flaw in their plan...

The po-po in the Place Where Great Britain Used To Be have launched a new ad campaign, targeted at the girlfriends of gang bangers, with the tagline "Hide his gun and you help commit the crime".

The only problem here is that all the people susceptible to gentle pleas from ad agencies have already turned in their guns because they are illegal in Ol' Blighty. The only people who still pack heaters about on their nightly rounds could give a toss about finger-wagging nonsense and "help commit the crime" warnings; they're committing a crime just by having the damn thing and, well, you may as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb, right?

It's exactly as dumb as telling someone who already has the heroin that it's illegal to use it.


  1. The purpose of that policy isn't to lower the crime rate. It's to give the People In Charge something to do, and to make them look like they're Doing Something, so they can tell themselves and others that they are, indeed, the Cat's Meow.

  2. Y'know, I think they really believe it will help.

  3. If you're a criminal over in Britain, why would you want to give up your weapon. If your victim defends themselves, you are sure to be let go while the victim is prosecuted.

    It is probably time for Tom Clancy to update Patriot Games. In the modern version, Jack Ryan is prosecuted for breaking up the kidnapping and killing a terrorist, and he has to escape from prison while Sean goes free.

    (Eerily, Clancy saw the state of Britain and where it was heading at the time and included that in the defenses case.)

  4. But shouldn't the women have guns of their own? Maybe we could start a 21st Century Lend-Lease for the "un-gunned" of Britain.

  5. They can go sharpen sticks before I'll send any of my guns over there, just to have them turned into paperweights when it's all done.

  6. It's a poor idea, to target those women who are already associating with those who break the law, to think that the ad campaign will change anyone's mind.

    But then again, this is Britain we are talking about, a once proud nation that has had it's day. Once a star shining brightly as an example of what a country could be, now just a smoldering cinder of what once was.

    The people of Britain should be ashamed of what they have become. It would appear that the best and brightest of the Brits have moved to other countries, leaving only the dregs to inhabit the island nation that once was so great.

    For a nation that arguably once ruled the world, they have become so little in so short a time.

    I fear that without a fundamental change in direction, the US will follow soon.

  7. Not only that, but the Liberal anti-gunners then show the prejudice that they constantly ascribe to the right- they are assuming that a woman with a gun is hiding the gun for the man, because women could never own a big, scary gun, therefore any woman with a gun must be hiding it for her man.

  8. IIRC, there wis a similar campaign in the U.S. a number of years back. The scenario at the time was a hoodz with previous convictions (a convicted felon or someone eligible for the "3rd strike") would hand his (recordless) girlfriend the gun so as not to be caught with one if stopped and frisked. The girlfriend, if caught, would claim it was "just for protection," and try to bargain the unlawful carry charge down to probation.

    Either word is out that the prosecutors wised up, or the campaign didn't work; because I haven't heard about it recently.

  9. My meter for stupidity must be nearing recalibration; my first thought was how borked the Walther in the article's photo looks instead of gauging Britain's latest step along the plank.

    I was worried about that needle snapping into the redline stop so often.


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