Thursday, October 01, 2009

Vast Right Wing Conspiracy:

From James Rawles at SurvivalBlog:
When I last checked, my new book was ranked at #4 in's overall book rankings. Only the new Dan Brown novel, the upcoming Sarah Palin book, and Glenn Beck's book are ranked higher. How to Survive the End of the World as We Know It is also ranked #1 in the Survival Skills category, #1 in the Technology & Society category, #1 in the General & Reference category, and #2 in nonfiction books. Thanks again!

Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, and a SHTF manual? What, nobody's buying Dreams From My Father to figure out which parts were totally written by Ayers and which are actual Barry quotes?

The Dems have only about thirteen more months to pull a sword out of a stone (or their heads out of their fourth points of contact,) before the midterms. Frankly, I just don't see it happening. It feels like 1994 all over again.


  1. Don't worry, soon everyone will be required to carry the Dear Leader's book of quotes. We'll still have to buy it ourselves instead of it being issued, unless we're too poor to afford it, then we'll be subject to a $1000 fine and up to a year in jail.

  2. Would claiming Obama's book was ghostwritten make me a "Ghoster", or a "Dreamer"?


  3. Should a good Obamabot carry the Dear Leader's book if Bill Ayers wrote it? Oh, my ...

  4. Bill Ayers wrote Obama's book as his own form of reparations.

  5. Cossack: I think it actually counts as another charge of Terrorism.

  6. "Frankly, I just don't see it happening."

    Well, with the tiny amount of the "stimulus" money that's been spent so far, they do have nearly a trillion dollars in their campaign coffers. -- Lyle

  7. "It feels like 1994 all over again. "

    So there will be a sweeping victory by a party that claims to want to reduce the size/power of the federal government, followed by a complete failure to follow through on it? At least the Democrats are mostly honest about wanting to grow the government.

  8. they will fail like crazy in 2010. becaus ethe mainstream will have seen the left for what they are LOSERS!

  9. "So there will be a sweeping victory by a party that claims to want to reduce the size/power of the federal government, followed by a complete failure to follow through on it?"

    Sadly, yes.

  10. Got my copy of the book yesterday, looking through it today, I note the suggestion to acquire a type of motorcycle not yet on the market. (M1030-M2 Diesel from HDT)


    This is mostly irritating because it wasn't 15 minutes before I read that that I was yet again poking at HDT's website seeing if they were selling the Verra-bedamned things to the public yet. Grr.


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