Thursday, October 01, 2009

Overheard in the Hallway:

Me: ...and the Olympics would be Barry's payoff to Daley. I've been in a city gearing up for the Olympics; I can only imagine the amount of graft if all those construction contracts had to get filtered past one guy. No wonder he had Barack drop everything and go shill for him.

RX: What state was Jimmy Carter from? And what year were the Atlanta Olympics?

Me: 1996. A full sixteen years after he was hounded from office... I mean, beaten in an election.


  1. Besides, Jimmeh was too busy at the time buildin' houses for the po' to be jetting around the world begging for some fancy Greek sports.

  2. How are they going to have a pistol competition in Daley's fiefdom?

  3. Gun events will be in Indiana.

    Shootin' Buddy

  4. The 1976 Montreal Olympics are what awaits the U.S. if The One brings the Games to Chicago. The Montreal Olympics were a cesspool of corruption, inefficiency and waste, with the right-hand man of the Montreal mayor being convicted of accepting a bribe, a stadium that was only half-built when the Games opened and a debt that wasn't paid off for 30 years.

  5. Rio in 2016!

    (I guess that makes me a racist, but hell, what doesn't these days?)

  6. Jimmie was too ashamed of brother Billy to try to get the olympics. Billy would have won the gold for Beer guzzling!

  7. My intent was to ask a Socratic question; the correlation between home states of U. S. Presidents and Olympic locations chosen during their term in office is pretty much negative. So there's ya some "change." Sleazoid, but hey, the posters never promised it wouldn't be.

    WV: "stemit" Dang.


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