Saturday, October 24, 2009

View From The Porch:

The seasons are turning again here on the sleepy side streets of Broad Ripple:

...and here you can see why they call it "Fall":

I see more raking in the very near future...


  1. Looks like you need one of these

  2. Hell, If I was nearby, I'd rake in exchange for range time. I don't get to shoot all that much here.

  3. Run over leaves with your lawn mower - turn the exhaust for grass clippings to the inside of your path so that you continue to run over the leaves. This will make the leaves disappear and help boost your top soil.

  4. It's okay. I pile 'em on the rose beds to protect the bushes through the winter. Perfect timing.

    wv: "eighsh" - how does it know that I have a head cold?

  5. I was thinking I would have to mow one more time, but now it's all covered up with leaves so you can't tell.

    I'm tackling the garage. Listed the house with a realtor, now scouting out land to build on next year. May be a storage unit or two in my guture.

  6. Our willow trees just dump into the lake, and then the leaf-blower guys come through, and in the end we have to change the filter on the lake-pump...

  7. Nice work with the camera! I don't know enough about photography to appreciate the technical details, but I know what I like.


  8. That's why people plant evergreens. No raking and it takes about 100 years before they're big enough to fall on the house.


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