Friday, October 23, 2009

Yay! Fun Show Tomorrow!

My main goal is a Ruger 22/45. I'm hoping to find a nice used Mk.II, but I'll settle for a Mk.III. Stainless would be nice, too.

I also need to pick up... and this is so embarrassing... some .45ACP loading dies. Probably get some bullets while I'm there, too. I'm assuming the primer situation is still pretty dismal. I know that the Mountain of Geese had nowt but some small pistol primers last time I was there, and Premier Arms hasn't had anything other than 209 shotgun primers since forever.


avenger29 said...

I just picked up a Mark III 22/45, blued, bull barrel yesterday for $200 from a private seller. Goes bang. Going to delawyer it soon.

I ran 70 rounds through it yesterday afternoon.

Anonymous said...

My boss gave me a 22/45 MkIII stainless w/ fluted barrel last year for Christmas (well, he gave me a Cabela's gift card which became the Ruger) for $200.

Great plinker.

og said...

Going sunday with partner. Looking for a one-piece wooden cleaning rod, a magazine for a Beretta 948, some 458 Spitzer bullets. partner wants a top flopper in nice shape, a Krag Carbine, and an issue-style AR-15, basic and unadorned. Hope it's not like it was last spring, that was horrid.

Anonymous said...

Like others have said, I've seen Ruger 22/45 go for around $200, just got to have some patience to find the right deal.
As for the .45 reloading, I've been reloading .45 ACP and 9MM with a Lee Pro 1000 loader for years, just change out the shell plate carrier and turrent with your dies already loaded in the turrent, and you can switch calibers in a few minutes. Sure you can buy way more expensive loaders, but my Lee has been working great for me for quite a few years and it didn't cost me an arm and a leg. You can REALLY crank out some rounds with a progressive loader, like a 1000 rounds in one evening of reloading!

sam said...

Did they even make a Mk II 22/45 in stainless? Never saw such a beast when I was shopping for mine.

Good luck and good hunting!

David aka True Blue Sam said...

Dunn's in Marion, IL has a good supply of large pistol primers in stock this week. Ther small pistol primers they eurrently have are all magnums. They are not gouging on price. Strictly Outdoors in Harrisburg, IL also has primers now, but they are charging several dollars higher for 1000. Good luck shopping!

Anonymous said...

Plainfield had primers last Tuesday for $33.95/thou.

B.S. philosopher said...


My local purveyor of bullet pieces finally has some LR primers in. I even have a choice. Wolf for 46.99/K or Remchester for $50.99/K.
Sadly I had to pass, I've got enough left for a while. Hopefully the insanity and the price gouging will all go away soon.

Anonymous said...

Great buy today, Tam!

I used to buy 22/45s all day for $200. Last one I purchased was $275 used (at 500 Guns in Speedway).

Hopefully the Obama Effect was driving prices up and the 22/45s will come down. Great guns, shoot the snot out of them all day and they keep chugging along like sewing machines.

Best bang for the buck that Ruger has made to date (and really isn't this why we buy Rugers).

Shootin' Buddy

Owen said...

did you score any primers? I know where there are 9900 Winchester Large Pistol Primers. I was thinking about hitting the fun show tomorrow morning, then stopping at the blogmeet...

Tam said...

I totally boned the primer thing: I've got ~700 small pistol primers on hand, but not an LP primer to my name.

OTOH, I scored a MkIII 22/45 for just over two bills and got a great deal on a really purty H&R .32ACP auto...

Matt G said...

I'm the first to say this?

I cannot believe that you had not obtained .45 acp dies before now!! [/shocked disbelief]

Gewehr98 said...

"Best bang for the buck that Ruger has made to date (and really isn't this why we buy Rugers)."


I thought it was for the Ruger #1 rifles in .45-70.

I'd have bought a 22/45 if I didn't already have a Buckmark.

I think there's a spare set of .45 ACP dies in the back of my reloading safe, Tam. I don't know if they'll fit your Ideal Tong Tool, though. ;-)