Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Armistice Day.

On the eleventh hour
Of the eleventh day
Of the eleventh month
The guns fell silent.



  1. Nice group Tam an SLME with volley sights a Mauser 98 a P17 but i dont know the 4th is it an Lebel or something?

  2. An M1903 and a Mannlicher-Berthier carbine.

  3. Over here in the UK we rarely se 1903s,its quite rare to find an SMLE or P14 that still have the volley sights most of them have been ground off,thanks for the info nice picture.

  4. Shortly after the guns fell silent a cable from Europe informing the War Department if the Armistice.

    A New York Western Union cable operator excitedly shouted out the news, and within seconds the one word message was on every long line in the United States. Just after 5 PM, the WU Operator at Salida, Colorado, shouted the news to a west bound hogger, who kept his fireman sweating as he kept the whistle echoing through the canyons.

    And thus did the news of the end of the "War to end all wars" come to rural America. Often well before the eleventh hour of the eleventh day.

    And for the first time, the news of victory passed from the battlefields of Europe to the most remote places in America, faster than the Earth could turn.


  5. Stranger - A fitting story, I think.



  7. And at 11:11 my computer came back up - though choking and still wet...


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