Wednesday, November 11, 2009

If I die of atherosclerosis this afternoon, it's Marko's fault.

So I had some bratwurst in the fridge that I'd picked up from the Fresh Market on Monday, and I was beginning to get that "use it or lose it" urge. And I looked in the spice cabinet and there was a big baggie full of curry powder. And although we had no ketchup, we had a bottle of Heinz chili sauce, which Bobbi swears is superior to ketchup for any purpose...

Suddenly I had an epiphany...


  1. Geez, and I thought currywurst was a Berliner concoction. We sure ate a bunch of them over the years we lived there. A fine tradition of following a night of heavy drinking to stop at a Schnell Imbiss off Kurfurstendamm on the way back to the base for currywurst, fries and a beer......Ah to be young again.

  2. You may not be much of a hand with a rifle but you can eat things that would make Rambo puke:)

  3. I got my currywürst jag on in Bavaria, and cannot find it here in the Chicago area. Now I can make my own properly. The best I could do before was mix curry powder into BBQ sauce, for dipping Eckrich skinless sausage (I found that a good approximation of the smooth sausage used for currywürst, but will follow Marko's choice since, well ...) I wonder if there's any weisswürst done in Wisconsin (Germany's unofficial 17th state).

  4. Ah, but was it Genuine Authentic German type curry powder made from a three hundred year old, old world recipe?

    We have to scrape by around here with the Genuine Authentic Jamaican type curry powder made from a new world recipe.

  5. Dang.

    Reminds me of Wife #1 who damned near got buried in our Kalifornia back yard after she microwaved my coveted Johnsonville bratwurst, which I had carefully flown back as carry-on baggage from Wisconsin.

  6. That sounds like twelve kinds of awesome. On the list it goes. Even my kids like curry so long as it's not too spicy-hot, so I bet I could get them to try it.

  7. Hahn Air Base. "Walter's Futterkrippe" right outside the main gate. Best damn Currywurst I've ever had, and it was nowhere near Berlin LOL.

    Now I'm hungry, dangit, and I haven't even been drinking.

  8. I'm hungry too.

    Gewehr, is something different with the Johnsonville brats sold in WI? Here, they're in every grocery store. You can't get away from them.


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