Friday, November 20, 2009

Mission Control is shutting down.

As of September, 2011, millions of mindless drones across America will have to turn elsewhere for instructions on what to read, how to vote, and what to think, because the Hive Queen will be ceasing her daily transmissions.


  1. I must need a coffee, for I had gone into a bit of panic - thinking that you were going to shut down transmission. Oprah isn't Johnny Carson, and Doctor Oz has his own show now and the Libraries are still functioning, so now she has done Porn and the life on the wilder side, she has nothing left except to prepare to become Czarina in Charge of Obama's next election - isn't her magazine called "O"?

  2. As a former bookstore employee I can say with some certainty that this news has made millions of Barnes & Noble, Waldenbooks, and Borders workers ecstatic.

  3. I can count on one hand the number of times I sat down to watch Oprah on purpose, and one of those times I was 14 and watched because she had Hanson on for the whole show, so I don't think that counts.

    I don't think she'll be missed as much as she thinks she'll be missed.

  4. Guess we have a guess on when the Dollar will collapse, now...

  5. The bidding war for those viewers is going to be plug ugly.

  6. Oh, she'll keep herself busy with her magazine.

    Hey! Guess who's on the cover this month?
    Well, guess who was on the cover last month?
    Lucky guess. Well guess who's on the cover next month?

    What must it be like, to breathe that kind of rarified air, where every magazine rack is your mirror?

  7. IOW, just in time for the 2012 elections.

    WV: evelisse

    Shouldn't that be spelled "evilesse"?

  8. Hopefully the collective IQ of the people watching will rise after the show has been gone for a while.

  9. She will still have her show, my god, the woman has her OWN network....

    Oprah Winfrey Network - OWN

  10. Yeah ... I heard that she has linked with the Discovery people to create this eponymous network. Yupper ... that's another big sigh from the Great White North.


  11. "Come awwn twenty-'leben!"

    WV:powedefi -- What reading Tam's snarkery does to me.

  12. Dang, I'm heartbroken. Why couldn't she pull the plug a couple of years ago when one of my nutty, English-lit profs was recording her show in order to inflict it on us during class?


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