Friday, November 20, 2009

The things up with which I put.

In case you were wondering how my roomie, the geekiest chick on the web, spends her free time, lately it's been restoring an old telephone. It is not yet hanging on a wall somewhere in the house, but I suspect that is coming.


  1. She may be geeky, but she is teh cool too!! And her stuff is cool!

  2. Oh boy, straight out of an old Edward G Robinson movie. I remember one of those phones in my Grandmother's farmhouse.

  3. A guy at work converted his grandfather's old Candlestick phone to wireless.

    Drives his wife and kids crazy, but what a conversation piece.

  4. "...the geekiest chick on the web..."

    If I didn't know better, I'd swear you were saying that as though it were a bad thing.


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