Tuesday, November 03, 2009


Ted Danson, who has apparently stolen his new glasses from an elderly lesbian, understands us little people, and thinks that rich elites like Rush Limbaugh should not be taking advantage of us and our simple beliefs and fears.

Look, Ted, first of all, saying "Shame! Shame!" to Hydrocodone Boy is an exercise in futility; I don't believe it's an emotional state he's really set up to feel. Second, can the hypocrisy, okay? To see you up there chastising people for churning up fear and divisiveness by... well, churning up fear and divisiveness is mind-boggling.

Lastly, we circle back around to one of the big problems in our society, which is the idea that line-memorizing clothes horses have anything more valid to say about politics, science, or current events than the hippie on the street corner with a guitar case. The Romans had the right position in society for actors: Above cesspit cleaners, but not as well-respected as a decent whore.

Ted, shut up and entertain me. With a side of fries.


  1. Good grief, he did mug an elderly lesbian!

    Ted should be shopping at the Fresh Market for organic cat food while wearing a flannel shirt. He even has the haircut for it.

    Ted had it in for Rush since Rush mocked him in print in his first book.

    Shootin' Buddy

  2. "Lastly, we circle back around to one of the big problems in our society: The idea that line-memorizing clothes horses have anything more valid to say about politics, science, or current events than the hippie on the street corner with a guitar case. The Romans had the right position in society for actors: Above cesspit cleaners, but not as well-respected as a decent whore."

    Word up.

    Our nation confuses notoriety with greatness.

    Just because you've heard of a guy doesn't mean that he knows what he's doing.

  3. Shootin' Buddy,

    I hate to sound like I'm stereotyping, but I think I lived in Midtown long enough to comment authoritatively:

    The new Hollywood masculinity as displayed here by Ted is a lot more "butch dyke" than "macho man".

  4. Snort. He looks like he's auditioning for weather man at tertiary market TV station.

    He'll be told to lose the glasses though. "Get contacts to read the teleprompter"

  5. The idea that line-memorizing clothes horses have anything more valid to say about politics, science, or current events than the hippie on the street corner with a guitar case
    Who tf cares what actors think about politics?That is such a small per cent of "Americans" with the most on air time.
    wv:lessesp yeah,and more science

  6. I'll only say that referring to Rush as "hydrocodone boy" is the sort of ad hominem I expect from the likes of Paul Begala, but not you, Tam. Since you likely don't refer to Hugh Grant as hooker boy or Eddie Murphy as transvestite hooker boy or Robert Downey Jr. as cocaine boy, why should Rush be the exception in having his transgression rubbed in his face?

  7. Ted Danson is hilarious as a drug-addled aging moron in "Bored to Death" and "CNN".

  8. Bob,

    "I'll only say that referring to Rush as "hydrocodone boy" is the sort of ad hominem I expect from the likes of..."

    Finding an ad hominem attack at VFTP surprises you?

    Just not a big Limbaugh fan. Obviously that makes me a closet Democrat, and maybe even a commie.

    FWIW, you and I probably like different sports teams, too. ;)

  9. I haven't seen Danson since his days on "Cheers"

    I actually thought that WAS an elderly white haired womyn of alternate persuasion until I looked more closely.

  10. I wouldn't have known who that was if it hadn't been spelled out in the headline.

    He doesn't look like Sam Malone anymore.

  11. Some forty years back I read that prime-time TV proogramming was aimed at an eighth-grade audience. Nowadays, that seems to hold for even the News Lite that is shown. Hmmm. Isn't there regular commentary about the degradation of the Publik Skools?

    I find Rush to be a bright spot, if for no other reason that much of his commentary is coherent and derived from the facts of current events. And it's nice to see a young fella who's reasonably in accord with the views of a lot of us Olde Pharts. We were small-c conservatives before he could even spell the word.

    And I'm not going to bother to find out just what is a Ted Danson.


  12. 10-X, Tam,

    ""The idea that line-memorizing clothes horses have anything more valid to say about politics, science, or current events than the hippie on the street corner with a guitar case.""

    Will be quoting with attribution and cyber-footnote, if'n it's OK with you.

    John the Red

    PS: ver' nice wordsmithing, that.

  13. "The United States has become a place where entertainers and professional athletes are mistaken for people of importance."
    -Robert A. Heinlein

  14. While my favorite parts of Rush's show are when Mark Steyn hosts for him, I do have a grudging respect for the man on three points:

    1) He's built a half billion dollar media empire as a talk show host while functionally deaf. A lessor person or a liberal might make hay out of that at every opportunity, but he doesn't.

    2) He is liked and enjoyed by that increasingly rare species of American: Folks Who Make And Do Things.


    3) He is despised by the other, depressingly increasingly common variety of American: Folks Who Do Squat (teachers, lawyers, bureaucrats, hipsters, students, media people, etc).

    I find myself rarely led astray by judging a person on the quality of his enemies, and Rush has an excellent selection.

  15. "...The Romans had the right position in society for actors: Above cesspit cleaners, but not as well-respected as a decent whore...

    I'd probably throw in most of Europe, especially England and France, from at least the middle ages on, though that obviously came later.

  16. What is with us? We do exactly the same thing up here in the Great White North. Athletes ... especially hockey players ...are gods! The truth is that, except for the American ones (who have usually gone to college), our Canadian players are barely high school graduates ... verified immediately whenever they are interviewed. They are as embarrassing to listen to ... as are American basketball players. I say embarrassing for anyone not interested in tats and bling.

    Given the apparent universal need for therapy that actors require, these people are functionally insane. For proof, I need only point to that black woman with the exuberant hair management system who enjoined us to permit acts that weren't "rape-rape". And she did it right out in the open and couldn't even see herself as the total asshat she is.

    As for writers. Please preserve us from their pronouncements. Witness the interview with Gore Vidal. Every male who is accused of underage sex now has the perfect 'cover'. Those kids are all hookers!

    At least the teleprompter readers no longer pretend to be journalists. They mingle along with the other public figures of our depraved age, each rubbing off against each other in some glorified, transcendental frottage scene.


    Elementary school kids are the only ones we should listen to. At least they don't confuse their spontaneous reactions and unerringly questions with the cloak of 'wisdom' like their teewee-brained elders.

    What did we do to deserve this?


  17. I'll second the request to enshrine your sentence in the blogoshpere, Tam. George just said the same thing in far more words, your brevity and clarity are inpressive.
    I don't listen to Rush very often, but I enjoy the fact that he makes the left crazy. That, in and of itself, is a service.
    Didja see that the Wash Post has discovered an ammo shortage "despite the lowering crime rate"? They of course have Sugarman and his ilk to raise the spectre of all of us unwashed and armed plebians.

  18. Dance monkeyboy, dance!! After years of working in theater at least I'm immunized against the folly of giving credence to Clown Philosophy.

  19. Danson's just pissy because Harrelson has another movie out that's making money.

  20. nitpick: that would be Oxycodone Boy.

    wv:pezaters - opposite of pez lovers

  21. Farmist is right, but I was going to let it go.

    Rush is an entertainer, a huckster, and a demagogue (exactly the types that Sam Houston warned us about). The fact that he's a master elocutionist earns him some of my respect. I've just never understood the rabid fandom that he inspires.

    Dansen is a former popular TeeVee star, who has had some mediocre parts in some mediocre movies. He is also a gifted elocutionist, and actually gives a good interview.

    Which is NOT to confuse him with someone who has anything meaningful to say. This was a large problem that we've had with the last couple of POTUSes: People assume that speaking well equates to intelligence and good knowledge of a subject. Hogwash. I faked my way into a letter jacket in high school by speaking eloquently on topics that I knew nothing about (yes, I got a letter for Extemporaneous Speech. Does it get any lamer?).

    But I note that at least one person here has already fallen into the same trap that most Americans do about public figures: "They MUST be worthy-- look how much money they've made."

  22. Like scotch, Rush is an acquired taste.

  23. Actors make a living reading words written by someone else, wearing clothes picked out for them by someone else, on a set built by someone else, under the direction of someone else, while being managed by someone else, all for your entertainment.

    They live and work in a phoney world and think that makes them qualified to tell the real world what to do or think.

    Why would anyone ever ask their opinion or listen to it when they spew?

  24. Ted's just mad because he has not yet been engulfed by the boiling oceans of nature's righteous fury. No sweet release from earthly cares by the Carbon Dioxide Apocalypse. (See, the climate millenarians come from the same stock as the eugenicists and the population bombers--mankind must end, but hey, you first.) It's tough to be millenarian these days. In light of these non-events, his kind figure it best to partake in nostalgia at Copenhagen, and fantasize about a return to historically ordinary authoritarianism and Dark Age economics.

    I think Rush would be a nice guy to know, but the drug thing and the holding-the-water-for-the-Republicans nonsense made me realize his words have a purpose which is superior to the principals he claims to promote. He is, however, absolutely vital in American politics. The signal of the EIB Network is apparently so powerful that is penetrates the permanent layer of professional beggars, a thick cloud of pleading electrons orbiting about a nucleus that is the US Treasury. Without Limbaugh, no intelligence would reach the surface of Planet DC--and that makes him absolutely indispensable, since his research mainly involves paraphrasing what is said by outspoken, right-leaning journalists and bloggers.

  25. all these comments and not one mention of the zinger about the side of fries.....

    I'm so sorry Tam, I thought the "side of fries" comment was very eloquent and you deserve much praise and adulation!

  26. Danson jumped the shark when he dumped his perfectly good wife for a fling with Whoopi Goldberg back in the early 90's. The guy could've hooked up with any woman, since he was still the dude from Cheers when that meant anything, but he *chose* Whoopi. Then he did that blackface routine over which Whoopi dumped him.

    I won't call all actors worthless in terms of their views. After all, wasn't Heston the NRA president? And wasn't another actor our U.S. president, the one many of us miss so much, and to whom we compare all succeeding conservatives? Bogart and Wayne were rabid anti-communists in a Hollywood that was almost all red in the 50's. A stopped clock is right at least twice a day (unless it's digital).

  27. Boat Guy--
    Yes, and please explain we can have a decreasing crime rate with all these people in prison.

  28. Ted, shut up and entertain me. With a side of fries.

    That reminds me of a classic scene from any old western when a cowboy in the audience stands up and declares, “Shut up, you ain’t funny boy. Dance!” as he fires his six gun at the cretin’s feet.

  29. Rush speaks of promoting conservative ideas. When Republicans are conservative, he speaks positively of them. He's rough on RINOs. Well, so are we.

    So Rush screwed up on the drug thing. Does that mean that conservative ideas are screwy? If a preacher gets caught in the Jimmy Swaggert style of happening, does that mean that all religion is bad?

    I don't respect the amount of money which Rush has accumulated so much as I like how it represents the mix of rational political views, an ability to entertain, and enough business sense to put it together at the right time in history for success.

    Sort of a "Tamara's Blog on the Radio" but with a more limited range of subjects...



  30. A friend just ruined the QOTD for me; "So if somebody describes Jon Voight or Adam Baldwin that way is it still OK?"
    Good point.


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