Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I have got a the mother of all headaches this morning, complete with vertigo and a couple degrees of fever.

What I'm being punished for, I don't know, but it must have been bad. My head feels like it's been inflated to 1,000psi; I'm seriously considering the merits of a bit of trepannery...


  1. Yoga anyone?


    Shootin' Buddy


  3. Some people have to spend lots of money on drink, or drugs, or horses to fall off to feel like that!

    You know my history, I'm still grateful every day that you saved me from those headaches.

    It will pass.

  4. Tam, seriously, that's one of the first symptoms of swine flu - a really nasty headache. For a comparison between a cold, regular flu and H1N1, see:


    It hit me Saturday evening. Don't mess around with this stuff!

  5. Aww damn. The deer in the National Zoo lion's den story seemed like it was just waiting for you.


  6. You need trepanning like you need another hole in the head.

  7. "This reminds me of that time you tried to drill a hole in your head."

  8. Very nice! And it's David for the WIN!

  9. Dermatobia hominis. Drink some liquefied Vegemite to off it before it hits the undercarriage of your brainpan.

  10. I thought Vegemite was an AUS-only kind of thing.

    And today I too got hit with headache, vertigo, fever, and coughing... but thankfully the headache part is pretty mild(bad cold/regular flu kind of headache). And my feet are cold...

  11. Yeah ... I thought of the H1N1 'flu right off the bat. Hope we're all wrong.

    Fluids, rest, etc.

    You may also want to get it confirmed ... so they can pump you full of those 'flu shots.


  12. I'm not sure that is. I came home yesterday with a MONSTER headache, almost migraine quality. Even after supper, some tea, and a lot of pain reliever something was still doing the lombada on my head at 2 am. It subsided this morning, and I worked half a day. Local bug? Whine flu? I'm not sure

  13. Ya know ... H1N1 had gone completely Hemorrhagic in the Ukraine last week.

    If you start leaking blood at both ends, can we raffle off yer smith collection?

  14. Kristopher - I dunno about you, man, but if she starts leaking blood, stumbling around and moaning.... I'm running like hell, because Zombies are bad enough, but Zombie Tam? Just our luck she'll remember she has guns and use them, and that truly will be the zombpocolypse!

  15. ditto to your symptoms, but add in nausea with the dizziness - hence the reason i've not done anything for three days.

    You have my sympathy!

  16. oh and Peter - thanks for that link ... nausea is only mentioned under 'Seasonal Flu' so i'm guessing it's not H1N1 for me!

  17. Well, I'm not a doctor, so I won't advise you on what deadly disease it might be. I WILL, however, express deepest sympathy. I know how awful those things can get. Whether it's officially a migraine or not. I'd suggest doing everything you can to get some sleep.

    I'd also note (contrapuntally enough) that caffeine is a vasodilator. I've gotten real lollapalooza headaches when I just needed a caffeine fix.

    Take care. Feel better.


    TW: lantid -- the miracle drug you wish you could take; non-narcotic, relieves all pain and flu-like symptoms with no side effects.

  18. I hope you're feeling better this evening. If it's still got you, probably flu, so rest and fluids. I wish you a speedy recovery.

  19. Looking at your headache, which I hope is gone soon, I almost blame the music you are listening to... but since I don't listen to that you have listed, it may not be the real problem - but it could be the whole problem. I don't have a terrible headache.

    wv duckl duck low angry headache in charge...

  20. I've added another symptom to my list... muscle ache. So now I'm at least sure it's a flu... probably not swine flu, but if I get diarhea or trouble breathing, I'll call the hostpital. Joy.

    Symptom list: fever, cold appendages(body is drawing the heat inwards), shivering, headache(heat/dehydration headache, I know it when I have it), mild vertigo, loss of apetite, muscle ache in my back and left arm, occasional outbreaks of sneezing and coughing that last for minutes(and then goes away for an hour or more).


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