Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas randomosity...

  • Shootin' Buddy picked me up last night and we went to Fogo de Chao for dinner. If you like red meat, Fogo is almost as good as heaven. Maybe even a little better since you don't have to die to get there. I ate about a third of a cow's worth of filets and picanha and got home feeling like a happy tick.
  • Christmas morning and what's on TeeVee? The old Hallmark presentation of All Quiet on the Western Front, with madcap obergefreiter McHale showing landser John Boy the ropes in the trenches of France until everybody dies face-down in the mud with the corpse-eating rats. It's beautifully done but, boy, that's just the feel-good family hit of the holidays, ain't it? Maybe kids could watch it while they were unwrapping their presents.
  • Finally got myself a copy of Green Eyes and Black Rifles: Warriors Guide to the Combat Carbine. I've been looking forward to checking it out, and so that will probably be my reading material for the afternoon.


  1. I remember seeing that version of All Quiet a few years ago; it's a great movie. If you get a chance, try and see Behind The Lines, which is based on Pat Barker's outstanding novel Regeneration. One of the best WWI movies ever.

    And Merry Christmas to you, Tam.

  2. Tam, stay warm, have a little toddy, suppin' nice for lunch, and a nice Christmas day.
    Forty-eleben folks out here on da net care for you.

  3. Merry Christmas, to all at Roseholm!

  4. It was a toss up to bring Green Eyes or Coders at Work down to the in-law's for down time reading. In the interest of political spread spectrum family harmony I went with the one about programmers.

    With some time off before the New Year though, I'm looking forward to digging into Green Eyes and probably buying some EBR toys that Santa forgot to put in the stocking.

    Merry Christmas!

  5. T-Bolts Boss at a staff meeting: "The company will pay for a Holiday lunch for this team. Where do you want to go?"

    T-Bolt: "Fogo De Chao!"

    Boss: "Naw. We can afford that, but I heard it wasn't very good. We'll go to Macaroni Grill instead... Hey T-Bolt, where ya goin?"

    T-Bolt: "To polish up my resume. It's like I don't even KNOW you anymore."

  6. I imagine some youngish network programmer thinking, "All Quiet...that sounds Christmasy--like Silent Night."

  7. I had a hard time making it through the 1930 All Quiet. Was the John-Boy one any better?

  8. According to movie auteurs who think that Citizen Kane is the Greatest Film Ever Made, no.

    I think the John Boy version is eminently more watchable, myself. The production values are outstanding for a war movie of the period, too.

  9. (Let's put it this way; I'm buying the 1979 made-for-TV version on DVD...)

  10. TAM: Merry Christmas.

    All The Best,
    Frank W. James

  11. Playing All Quiet on the Western Front on Christmas is as weird as when every Easter when I was a kid, they'd show the Beatles' 'The Yellow Submarine'. Sometimes I just don't understand.... Chas is probably right--Quiet, Silent, they're synonymous so it must be okay.

    But I hope y'all are having a very Merry Christmas!

  12. Fogo de Chao is about the yummiest thing north of Sao Paulo. Only without the explicit need to pack heat when you go.

    Heat is strictly optional in Indianapolis, at least in that part of town.

    Merry Christmas, Tam. And a happy (and protein-rich) new year.

  13. Tam,

    Agree that the Brazillian steakhouses will leave you full, full, and more full. Only one complaint, don't know if you ran into the same problem, but the one I went to

    used way too much rock salt on the meat. Other than that, yum.

  14. just reading the words "Fogo de Chao" causes a Pavlovian response in this house.

    haven't been in a couple of years, but would love to enjoy the tasty, tasty meaty goodness again.


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