Friday, December 18, 2009

Speaking of earworms...

This one's all Phlegmmie's phault...

It's amazing what comes bubbling to the surface, even a couple years since you last heard it. As earworms go, it's not too bad, because Leslie's Just. So. Frickin'. Awesome.


  1. You are going to hell for this. Just so you know.

    If you get there first save me a seat close to the kitchen.

  2. That was seriously disturbing... I haven't seen that much gold lamie moving like that since I wandered into Provincetown... Seriously, I wandered into it...

  3. That's awesome. Her complete confidence and utter disregard for what is conventionally attractive is oddly attractive.

    Who's this, again?

  4. The right to have an opinion.
    That's The American Way!

    Anyone remember those PSAs?

  5. All I can say is...


  6. You're goddamn right I'd hit it.

  7. The first time I saw that video (3 years or so ago) I thought it was a joke. I kept waiting for the joke, and it never came.

    Kind of like that time my roommate rented "To Wong Foo"

    I was waiting and waiting, but it never came

  8. AHHHHH!!! ARRRGHHHH !!!!!!
    MY EYS!!! MY EYS!!!

    You should fry for that. That was uneqivacally the most horrifying thing I evre did see.
    Chubby got guts though.......

  9. A little too self-consciously arch for my taste, but you know what? She BROUGHT IT.

  10. You are welcome, dearest. She's even more dazzling live, if you can believe that. Srsly.

    It's so funny you posted this, because all day I've been thinking
    of Leslie and the Lys, particularly Zombie Killer.

    By the way, I have some of her gem sweater floaty pens. Her gem sweater floats away and you see her big white ZZZ-cup brawer. Good stuff! Better than a Sears catalog!

  11. Damn. You want arch? You want arch?

    You can't handle the arch!

  12. All the [i]shilldren[/i]?

    I have not heard that in years. It's back to therapy for me now, thanks to you. The bill ought to be in your mailbox by the first of the week.

    stay safe.

    WV = gorsed. What I felt.


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