Saturday, December 19, 2009

The torch has passed.

The mojo has apparently flowed from Al Gore into Barry O, transforming the latter into the new Mr. Freeze.

It used to be that Al's presence was the one that triggered unseasonal cold and frozen precipitation; now it's Barack, returning from the big Global Warming conference in Copenhagen, who alights from Air Force One onto tarmac buried under two feet of record-shattering irony.


  1. I love the snow

    it is so delicious

    like the tears of baby seals.

  2. Nah, it's just that Al the Tree's powers came with the "With Grant" option. Barry Lackwit isn't the first to have this happen to him. An Aussie AGW evangelist had it happen to him, and so did at least one British MP. Remember how, a year or two back, London got a major snowfall (well, for London at that time of year) just as Parliament was debating a big climate/energy bill?

  3. To be fair. we only have about 8 inches, but it's suppose to snow right through to Sunday and two honest feet is not unlikely.

    Storm of the decade, at the end of the decade, it seems.

    I've been pre-prepared since Katrina, it's a good feeling.

  4. "...two feet of record-shattering irony."

    That's weapons-grade snark right there.


  5. Well, as of 1500 on Saturday we have 16 inches and it's STILL snowing in NOVA...

  6. Starting to stick here in NY. Gonna be a long night, folks.


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