Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Awww, who's the sad clown?

Days of Our Trailers reports on the lament of the professional gun banner, complaining that nobody takes their astroturf cause seriously enough.

Schadenfreude ist die schönste Freude (denn sie kommt von Herzen.)

They suffer, at the root of it all, from being forced to rally around a zero, a naught, a hole full of nothing. You can't expose somebody to non-guns; no kid has ever wanted a Daisy Red Ryder BB Antigun for Christmas. As Robb Allen put it:
At one of the Gun Blogger get-togethers, I joked around about what gun controllers must do for entertainment – hit up the anti-gun range or go to an anti-gun show.

This make proselytizing difficult.


  1. Hey Kid! You'll legislate your eye out!

  2. Sounds like he's a professional victim to me.

    Want some cheese with that whine?

  3. "...hit up the anti-gun range or go to an anti-gun show."

    This sounds a lot like my plan to visit a non-dairy someday and see where they don't keep the cows.

  4. Who says that they don't love guns?

    Anti-gun politicians attend FLETC, FBI, inter alia for gun school. Sarah Brady, DiFi have guns.

    Throughout history "gun haters" are people haters, not gun haters. Hermann Goering loved guns almost as much as he loved food. Stalin loved guns as much as he loved killing people.

    It's not about being anti-gun; it's about being anti-you-having-guns, you-filthy-serf.

    Shootin' Buddy

  5. SB,

    Sarah Brady and DiFi are not what I would call "grassroots". Nor is the Joyce Foundation.

  6. And I would challenge the assertion that Stalin loved *anything* as much as he loved killing folks.

    Man, that guy could kill.

  7. So I went to the ICHV.org site quoted and got this.
    "(Chicago)--Concealed handgun permit holders killed eight law enforcement officers and 77 private citizens (including 10 shooters who killed themselves after an attack) during the period May 2007 through October 2009 according to a new Violence Policy Center (VPC) on-line resource that tallies news reports of such killings. The web site, CCW Killers, is located at http://www.vpc.org/ccwkillers.htm and is updated monthly to include new fatal shootings and changes in the legal status of concealed handgun permit holders facing criminal charges".

    Sounds hinkey to me. 77 private citizens could mean burglars popped, but 8 cops in 2 years? I'll have to dig into this.

    I'm not calling B.S. yet, but I suspect somebody's using some really specious reasoning to connect permit holders to dead cops.

    For those who have access to such things, I recall a front page article, in USAToday of all places, dating from early August 1996 (I kept a copy of it until it fell apart) that showed the results of a peer reviewed Department Of Justice type survey of a true national demographic sample.

    The question was "Have you ever had to use a firearm in self defense", and something like 12% of the people interviewed said yes.

    If anybody can get a copy of said article, please consider forwarding it to me at edward@continentalmachinetool.com.

  8. Basically, they're angst-driven chicken tremblers, and FOS. Their quavering pathology makes them lie to invent reasons for their own existence.

  9. ED,

    The VPC numbers are BS. From those who have researched it, at best, there were 17 out of those that used their carry piece. One was actually just a firearm owner (they confused permit to purchase w/ carry) and another was a CCW holder who was killed. He also includes the murders who killed themselves.

  10. Sadly, they need not campaign "for a zero". When appealing to the masses, they claim to be for safety - especially the safety of children. That is the myth that must be relentlessly beaten down - even some seemingly rational people will put up with large amounts of nonsense if they think it's about keeping their kids safe.

    The coverage of ongoing murders of school kids in slums - especially in Chicago - is an example. Nevermind that it is driven by the foolish prohibition of drugs. Nevermind that it's all illegal guns - and that criminals by definition are those that don't follow the laws. Nevermind that the pathology of the slums defies belief. Nevermind the apparent inability of the criminal system to keep violent criminals in jail, instead of paroling murderers after 6 years. "Kids are dying! Get rid of guns!"


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