Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Ohhh yeahhh!

"In a world growing ever hotter..." ...pretty much every city in the US is running ahead of schedule for annual snowfall, some by significant amounts.

When Jonestown happened, I was in fifth grade and I wondered how all those people could believe enough to drink the koolaid.


  1. I don't know if you saw this on WTHR earlier, but they said that this has been the coldest January so far in like 20 years or some damn thing.

  2. Jonestown was belief in unbelief so that was . . . exactly like Global Warming . . . nevermind.

    Shootin' Buddy

  3. Global Warming hit Florida today...39 degrees.

  4. fyi, most of the people at Jonestown were plain murdered. They weren't told that the coolaide was poisoned.

    Then, the poisoners were lined up and shot, as well as a few people who refused to drink.

    Then, the shooters were gunned down by a very few.

    Only a handful of people knowingly committed suicide.

  5. This is insanity. There's no attempt in the Guardian article to explain by what convoluted thermodynamic process anthropogenic global warming would have contributed to record cold in the Andes. We're just expected to accept it and throw money at the problem. Ignoring of course that poverty isn't the problem. Peru and the other Andean countries are a treasure trove. The problem is the socialist gov'ts that steal the wealth.

    I guess it's a glimpse at our future...

  6. It's sure getting harder to hide the decline.

  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nEiLgbBGKVk

    Toein' the Line!

    Shootin' Buddy

  8. Last month we got slammed with the 2nd highest snowfall totals ever recorded in Northern Delaware.

    Global Warming? Not so much.

  9. I lik ethe German physicist who analyzed the theoretical basis behind the AGW climate models, and points out that they only work if the AGW crowd managed to repeal the laws of thermodynamics.

    In other words, AGW is a perpetual motion machine.

    Heat just doesn't DO what it would have to do for the AGW Bible to work.

    I propose we start calling AGW supporters, "Physical Law Deniers".

  10. Only a handful of people knowingly committed suicide.

    The point still stands that blindly following orders is rarely, if ever, a good idea. It doesn't matter if they knew about the poison; they still ended up dead.

  11. John Peddie (Toronto)4:41 PM, January 05, 2010

    AGW is an industry, you see, and based on fervently-held beliefs.

    Other secular and non-secular examples of such industries could be cited, and they seem to have some things in common, including:

    -"willing suspension of disbelief"

    -manipulation / suppression of information

    -the "captains" of the industry, whatever it may be, have a vested interest in its continuance.

    Does that sound like any organizations you could name?

  12. http://www.jacklondons.net/buildafire.html

  13. The original, "Drink the Kool-Aid" thing actually comes from Acid-Tests run by Ken Kesey and at which the Grateful Dead played music - and LSD was the aformentioned "acid" which is the traditional hallucinogen of choice among Deadheads. It wouldn't kill you but you would have a very trippendicular time...

    HT/Insty: WIRED Science magazine has a feature article titled, "2009’s Sleepy Sun Finally Woke Up in December." We've enjoyed a significant downturn in sunspots as of late, and with the solar wind at minimals (as opposed to sunspot-activity driven maximals) we've cooled quite a bit - it has a very significant effect on our ionosphere, much more than C02.
    The smelly AGW soap-dodgers who worship hairy old Gaia have come to hate Sol and hide from it under layers of SPF and hemp clothing - and they do us a favor because you don't ever want to see them on the beach in a bathing suit.

  14. "In a world growing ever hotter..."

    , right?

  15. Uh, there was supposed to be some
    Don La Fontaine reference in the previous post. Never mind. Serves me right.

  16. If the earth's average temperature is rising it must be damn hot in the southern hemisphere. Check out the last N. Hemisphere snow cover map.


  17. Evoking Don LaFontaine...good... :)

    Is anyone else bothered by the concept of a Golden Snow Globe Award? How, exactly, did that snow get, er, golden?

  18. "In a world growing ever hotter..."




    I can't believe anybody with more than two functional braincells would write this. Where did she write her story from? A furnace room???

  19. It IS hotter in the southern hemisphere - just as it is EVERY year at this time.

    wv: horrste - "horror stories" in Scrabble with too few vowels, and a couple of consonants short.

  20. Nothing is so incomprehensible as data that challenges a world view.

  21. Interesting. I have a friend who lives in the Andean region of Ecuador. She reports that it has been very hot there with little rain. They also have scheduled power
    outages in her city, presumably from lack of water for hydroelectric plants.

    Don't know what any of this means...

  22. "Don't know what any of this means..."

    That Big Oil is paying those Peruvians to be a bunch of dying Deniers in order to discredit Copenhagen! I knew it!

  23. a friend of mine lives in Gulf Breeze, FL and reported temps around 22* yesterday morning.

    i can't imagine how the Floridians are handling winter. they must be under a state of emergency.

  24. The world is, in general, getting hotter, just like it has been for the last 300 years, since the little Ice Age ended.

    Of course, it's still cooler at this point than it was during the Mediaeval Climate Optimum of 1200 - 700 years ago, which, as everyone knows, was caused by the coal fired triremes of the Byzantine Empire. Fortunately, the dark ages happened, and the earth cooled off again, saving England from the ignomy of being able to grow grapes.

  25. I'm having fun with the thought of Al Gore in all his nekkid emporishness having to spend some of his scaremongering profits. Those arctic parkas with the fur-lined hoods can't be cheap.

  26. perlhaqr,

    "The world is, in general, getting hotter, just like it has been for the last 300 years, since the little Ice Age ended. "

    Looking at the data, I'd probably phrase that as "The world was, in general, getting hotter..."

    Since the early '90s, we've posted some record-breaking winters, and they appear to be coming more frequently, rather than less. The past three years have seen record snowfalls in places not generally known for them: Jerusalem, Baghdad, Buenos Aires...

  27. Falfenix --

    Geriatric Floridians are huddled around a burning ornamental citrus tree with kitchen knives in their hands, prepared to butcher their cats before the cats eat the oldsters or the oldsters die of starvation.

    In other news, OJ is still looking for the hockey stick amongst the golf courses of the Keys.

    Word Verification -- "Barnions"

    When Rednecks play with particle accelerators. . .


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