Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Broken promises.

Marko's promised rainbow-farting unicorn does not actually fart rainbows.

He shouldn't complain; at least he got one.


  1. I know! All I got from Ă˜bama was a new Republican Senator...


  2. That joke will never get old, Jay.



  3. Not just broken promises, false advertising as well...

  4. The headline on our local Alternative-lifestylle weekly paper:


    When even the raging leftists start seeing the light peeking around their necks into their rectums... I don't see a second term for the poor guy.

  5. And all I got was a steaming pile of unicorn poo...

  6. I'm still waiting for my unicorn to come and fart out the wheelbarrows full of cash the NRA owes me :)

    A trillion dollar stimulus package and I can't even get one lousy unicorn?

  7. I didn't get a unicorn, but I got a stack of cash with googly eyes on it. It's the money I could've saved if the Ways and Means Committee was replaced by an adding calculator with a copy of the 2,000 page health care bill sitting its the buttons.

  8. On notes of uber-left rage. On a conspicuously blue campus in the heart of Texas, I noticed some interesting graffiti on a light pole the other day.

    A stencil showing the head of the annointed one, with a hammer, sickle, and Soviet star painted in the middle of his head (ala Manson), with a caption underneath it that read, "What about the QUEERS, Mr. President?" I could only chuckle at it all.


  9. He may have gotten one, but he won't get to keep it. And in they style of every tax, they'll take the backstraps and leave him with the kidneys and gall bladder.

    People on welfare have needs, y'know!


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