Saturday, January 02, 2010

I'd wear it.

This t-shirt, I mean.


  1. "I don't know... it feels like science fiction"

    ".. we live on a spaceship, dear."

    ... doesn't seem amazing 'cause we're living in it. But when half the people you know are carrying literally pocket-size computers to skim live news updates from the other side of the planet... that's pretty darn impressive progress for the mumbledy-mumble years since we were watching scifi movies.

    .. the guns are pretty good to.

  2. "Point: The Future Will Be A Totalitarian Government Dystopia" vs "Counterpoint: The Future Will Be A Privatized Corporate Dystopia".

    I think we're headed toward the worst of both worlds.

    But, as John Ross pointed out several years ago, "In many ways, things are better for us now than they have ever been in the past."

    In the meantime, I'm still waiting for that Russian space mission to Jupiter, so I can volunteer (or buy a ticket).

  3. Currently, the front page of has stories and headlines from the year 2100 (sorry, no perma-link yet).

    A small sampling of that future:

    "Hell freezes over; global-warming deniers exploit incident to mislead public"

    "Terror trial in New York ends in guilty verdict to America; Khalid Sheikh Mohammed T-shirts outsell Che Guevara by 300%"

    "Climate hasn't officially changed since 2008 election of Obama, but experts promise imminent catastrophes if Democrat is not elected next year"

    "UN votes to restore Pluto to planet status; industrialized countries to send reparations and humanitarian supply of own air proportionally to GDP"

    "Harvard researchers find new proof that national deficit of $500 trillion is Bush's fault"

    "Tax Dept. announces new tax on taxpayers who resist taxation on existing taxes"

    "Last living Republican succumbs to euthanasia; few even remember the name of outlawed party in post-political era beyond 2030"

    "Man gets 10 years hard labor for starting a business in competition with government services"

    "As Iran resumes missile bombardment of European cities, EU intensifies pressure on Israel to dismantle settlements"

    "Court faces hate-crime quandary as Hispanic teen attacks gay man protesting construction of mosque"

    "Helen Thomas to be inducted into Museum of Natural History"


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