Sunday, January 03, 2010

Thank you, Captain Obvious.

On December 31, the embassy alerted Americans in Yemen to stay on alert for possible terrorist violence.
That's like warning Eskimos about the possibility of snow. If you are an American in Yemen and are not constantly on alert for being tossed in a car trunk for a quick drive over to Achmed's Drive-Thru Decapitations, you are either out of batteries for your hearing aid and your seeing-eye dog's starting to smell funny, or you are too stupid to live.


  1. Yemen, a country I'd visit only if the rest of the 10th came with me - and if the 10th had as many tanks as an 'Armoured' Division should have.

    Right now it probably has more mules than Leopards.

  2. Issuing embassy alerts is what governments do, instead of something.

  3. Tam,

    With your permission I would like to borrow the phrase "...being tossed in a car trunk for a quick drive over to Achmed's Drive-thru Decapitations". It could become one of my favorites.


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