Friday, January 29, 2010


Courtesy of Gun Geek Rants, I read this fascinating piece at The Last Psychiatrist about the "Rape Tunnel":
First, the rage comes because this guy is weaker than us. When we feel safe, when we're not afraid (of him), we're free to explode in rage. (That's why there's road rage and not elevator rage.)
...and you know, it worked. Well, not "rage" per se, but maybe an outraged sense of pique. I did joke with Bobbi that maybe someone should stroll into that "rape tunnel" and shoot the guy in the kneecaps; she reminded me that the very act of entering the tunnel would make a self-defense claim a little shaky.

Anyhow, "trolling as art"? I'm hoping this didn't require any grant money.


  1. It would seem that this guy's art education consisted of having his eyes propped open so that he could watch "A Clockwork Orange" over and over again, except they kept stopping the movie just before Alex is arrested.

  2. The grant money would be justified if, instead of attempting to rape you, the "artist" pinned you down, duct-taped headphones to your ears and blasted you with Rick Astley at full volume. It's like a meta-meta-meta-statement on art.

  3. Joanna Wins The Internets.

  4. I will pay a hooker very decent money if she will crawl through that tunnel wearing one of these. I would ask her to carry a camera with her.

  5. I'm fairly certain that this guy found a wind tunnel for cheap at some university surplus auction, and wondered "how can this get me laid?"

  6. ...the very act of entering the tunnel would make a self-defense claim a little shaky.

    Since tunnel ratting is probably out, my artistic appreciation of the project would likely involve a CS gas grenade cheerfully lobbed down the 22 foot course of the thing.

    (... or we could simply opt for the "Tarawa Interpretation" in which the artist is assisted further in becoming part of his work with a bulldozer and a pile of sand.)

  7. Am I missing something? You guys realize the whole thing was just a joke right?

  8. Yea, it's a joke.

    We were just funnin' about tossing a CS grenade into it.

  9. (... or we could simply opt for the "Tarawa Interpretation" in which the artist is assisted further in becoming part of his work with a bulldozer and a pile of sand.)

    You left out the dose of flame thrower goodness just prior to the bulldozer starting to move.

  10. It's Friday and I'm trying to be nice because the weekend is coming up. I'd vote for Matt's cooter harpoon.

    Bonus points if the barbs are dipped in tetraethyl lead.


  11. Naw, we wouldn't toss in CS.

    Frag would be so much more appropriate.

    Anybody who thinks this clown is a vastly important figure to keep an eye out for is a fool. Unless that's code talk for "Wait until he's in front of a good backstop."

  12. Damn shame he built his rape tunnel on my arson spot; but aren't the flames pretty and the screams artistic?

  13. One man's Rape Tunnel is another man's Valley of Death. Just sayin.'

  14. This is art? Then I want to see a 250 lb body builder with a martial arts background go thought first. Then, he can have a "continuing impact" on this guy's life while he is in traction.

  15. Sorry, entered this before I entered my name. I think a pile of shi* would be more artistic than this garbage.


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