Friday, January 29, 2010

That was weird...

Usually, dreams are first-person affairs, but last night my subconscious decided to serve up a third-person costume drama.

The hero of the piece was this young Iowa farmer dude who was dating the tomboyish princess of Austria-Hungary in some weird post-apocalyptic-and-yet-Edwardian Blade Runner meets steampunk mashup of a world.

At this formal state dinner served cafeteria style (complete with Tiffany trays) the princess's grandpa snuck up behind the protagonist and tried to garrote him, but it was with a soft rope and was apparently just a joshing Habsburg way of saying "Howdy and welcome to the family."

I don't remember much after that, except the princess was sad and playing cell phone voicemail tag with her friends.

Bring me the Hebrew, Daniel, that he might explain this dream to me, because right now all I can think of is "Don't eat bacon and spinach alfredo pizza for a late supper."


  1. You see, I was feeling quite sympathetic, right up until the 'bacon and spinach alfredo pizza'.

    Good grief.

  2. Ah, but were you reading The Peshawar Lancers while you ate the pizza? Cause that could splain it, right there.

  3. At least you probably know what causes wierd dreams. Bacon and spinach alfredo pizza... sound good

  4. this young Iowa farmer dude who was dating the tomboyish princess of Austria-Hungary in some weird post-apocalyptic-and-yet-Edwardian Blade Runner meets steampunk mashup of a world.

    I'd go see that movie.

  5. Noah D beat me verbatim to the punch.

    Although "tomboyish princess" is, in my opinion, played out. I'd rather see a princess who adapts to the norms of her society while quietly working them to her own purposes behind the scenes all Machiavelli-like. Approved rebellion isn't rebellion at all.

  6. One theory is that you are each character in your dream.

    As the tomboy-ish princess you see yourself as needing a kingdom to rule.

    As the farmboy you are deeply engaged with the rustic weather patterns there, but still feel a bit of an outsider.

    As the garroting grandpa, you are lamenting the rustic weather there.

    That, or are feeling ambivalent about an upcoming chance at a hot date. And you admire Iowans (or just out-of-towners).

    Blessed be.

  7. You sure there were no 'shrooms on that pizza?

    wv: wureski. Tomboy-ish princess's grampa's Eastern European advisor...

  8. Here is the meaning of your dream.

    You will crawl through the "Rape Runnel," where the "artist" will halfheartedly try to do his thing, but in the end you will fall in love with him, and eventually get married after the zombie apocalypse.

    Eh, maybe I'm not as gifted as my namesake.

  9. Au contraire! What a great and fun dream to enjoy! Pen the novel and skip the silly analysis - but I must recommend more late dinners of such dreamfood.

  10. Try an everything bagel (garlic, onion, sesame seeds and poppyseeds - oy) right before bed. Weeeeeeeeeird ...

  11. Yeah, I was gonna ask what you had for dinner.

    Now we know.

    Best not to have that combo again if you want to avoid these kinds of dreams.

  12. It means "buy more ammo"Anytime you sleep lightly enough to dream, it means that you don't have enough ammo. In fact, all dreams mean "buy more ammo" but if there's a goat in the dream, it also means "buy more ammo and soup"

  13. At least he wasn't marrying into the Borgias. The aconite-laced horseradish sauce was to die for. Me, I just dream about hyperintelligent zombie grizzly bears. I like your subconscious better.


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