Thursday, January 07, 2010

Lies and the lying liars who tell them.

In this morning's Indianapolis Parakeet Primer we read this amazing bit of twaddle:
As Straub's predecessor, Scott Newman, has pointed out, Indiana's lack of limits on the number of guns that can be legally bought at one time has made the state a prime source for illicit resale by "straw purchasers." Bad guys come here from other states to load up.
If the ignoramus who typed this had used his layers of oversight with which he'd been blessed upon graduation from J-school, he would discovered that most states bordering Indiana have no limit on how many guns can be purchased at once, either. (I'm not entirely sure how Michigan's handgun permit works, but I know you can buy as many long guns as you want there.) In fact, only a couple of states have any kind of limit on how many handguns you could buy at once, so why these lackwits think criminals would drive all the way to Indiana to do what they could do in their own back yard is beyond me.

But hey, why let the truth interfere with your point?

And these idiots wonder why they're circling the drain...

UPDATE: Bobbi educates the Professional Fact-Checked Journalist on a little thing called the "ATF Form 3310.4".


  1. Yep, these bozos can't lose their jobs soon enough for me.

  2. It would warm the cockles of my nonexistent heart to see Dennis Ryerson freeze in the dark.

  3. As to Michigan, there is no limit as to how many purchase permits you can obtain at one time. (Some police departments establish their own arbitrary limits without any statutory authority but that's another story.)

    And, even better if you have a carry permit in Michigan, you don't need a permit to purchase at all. You can buy all you like and then just have to register them within 10 days, by mail or in person.

  4. I believe, IIRC, that Newman made that statement after the guy from Chicago bought the AK at Bradis and then drove back to Chicago to commit a Murder. He used an Indiana ID card.

    This is why one must have an Indiana Driver's License at Bradis to buy guns.

    FWIW, Oprah buys her guns in Indiana too. Mayor Daley buys his guns in Michigan.

    Shootin' Buddy

  5. I think I need to have a chat with my wife re: Gannett Star subscription, termination of.

  6. See? You gun owners are so panicky and unreasonable!

    Yet another manifestation of the "Why won't you stupid cousin-humping yahoos vote for us?" Urban Progressive mentality.

  7. FWIW, this is probably the last straw for our subscription, too.

    We still need something delivered daily for Slinky to pee on, but the WSJ is delivered daily and at least has the virtue of containing news you can use and writing that doesn't insult the cat's intelligence.

  8. What is this "registration" of which you speak? Texas has its flaws---o Lord, how many times have I thanked Thee that Thou didst placeth Louisiana right next door, to detract from our shortcomings?---but this "registration" business is, umm, foreign to me.

  9. And of course he fails to mention that someone cannot simply drive across state lines, head to the nearest Indiana gun shop and buy a gun with their out-of-state ID.

  10. Cossack,

    What registration? I'm not sure what you're talking about. There's certainly been no registration in any state I've lived in: IL, GA, TN, IN...

  11. Cossack, you mean pistols in Michigan, right?

    That does not apply to Mayor Daley (which was discovered when his son got arrested with the shotgun).

    Shootin' Buddy

  12. Michigan does have a decent right to carry system (now), but there is definite de facto registration at the state level of every handgun which must be, as indicated above, submitted to "local police authority", PD or sheriff after purchase. Buyer's name and address as well as firearm's description and serial # which is collected and maintained in a database by the state police.

  13. Yuppers, that was what I was head-scratching about---Michigan registration. Glad to hear it's foreign to a number of other jurisdictions as well.

    wv: oringi: the thingi that went cracki on the spacey-shuttle-i

  14. Permit? What is this permit you speak of?

    Registration? It is to laugh :)

    Bought not a few appliances in the parking lot of the local pawn shop after I made a better offer :D

    Can you tell, I moved from one of the worst states in the union to one of the best... IL to KY....

  15. The gun rights groups in Michigan are working to eliminate the handgun registration requirement.

    I fully expect we'll get rid of it in next coule of years or so.

    We've made a lot of improvments in the last decade or so and that's the next big step.

    I wrote about this in my first article at Detroit Firearms Examiner a little while back.

    (Please excuse the shameless self promoting).


  16. Awww, Tam, it's just Indiana's turn to be the source of all that's evil in the universe.
    They'll find some wholesome, upright Ozzie-and-Harriet state to pick on next.

  17. Tam as for registration, perhaps not as a State but some citys do require it. There most certainly is for city of Chicago residents. If they wish to legally keep any arms within their residences in the city's borders.

    Registration rules are briefly listed on the CPD web site and Alan Gura cited an abuse by Alderman Richard Mell in the McDonald case when He (Mell) requested an amnesty opened up specifically for him in May of 2008 when he forgot to renew and his expired on his grandfathered handguns.


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