Thursday, January 07, 2010

The transitive property of sluggishness...

My roomie is on vacation, which has led to late nights and late mornings and excessive pyjama-wearing at Roseholme Cottage, because apparently i'monvacationitis is highly contagious.


  1. I thought Tam's life was one long vacation? How else would you have such a reserve of snark built up? I'm convinced that my snarkiness is used up at my day job and therefore I have little on hand to do battle with the truly snarky.

  2. It's so contagious, in fact,m that I think I'm getting it just from reading your post...

  3. Yes, well, be that as it may, I was thoroughly discombobulated this morning when there was no fresh snark to go with my coffee.

    So plod around in your pj's all day if you want, or let your physical self float around in that suspension/sustenance liquid shit for that matter, just as long as the neutrons are firing and you're getting snark content online telepathically or something.

    Bobbi may be on vacation but you're not, freakin' youngass slacker.


  4. I caught a weird case of in bed at seven pm - up at four am itis. Damnedest thing, considering on holiday I'm usually up til three am and get up for the crack of lunch.

    In any case, there is nothing wrong with PJs, although I wouldn't go outside in mine (unlike many around here...)


  5. I'm one week into a 16 day straight stretch of 11pm-7am shifts. I feel your pain, and really miss the sun. One of the few things I don't like about Wisconsin.


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