Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Oh, it's like Christmas all over again!

What a thing to wake up to:
Sen. Dodd to retire, sources tell CNN
I do believe in magic! I do! I do!


  1. that's some damn fine pixy dust Tam.

  2. Now if we could get Pelosi to go with him, it would be Christmas and Fourth of July put together.

  3. I'm predicting the Democraps running for the seats of the retiring Democraps will have a platform that says, "We're not like THOSE guys, we'll listen to what you say."
    Liberal Liar is a humorous redundency.

  4. Agree, blue dogs switching to the party that holds out against obamacare (because that's what makes them distinct this time around) is pretty good, but some bastard declaring that he can be bribed, except that bribing actually has to be delivered when he's out of office; isn't exactly conductive to liberty.

  5. Sorry if I can't share as much of the joy at this announcement; my iniital thought is "The bastard's getting away!". This scum will now while away his years with a very nice little nest-egg and a better pension than any veteran will ever get - all paid for by us. This SOB oughtta be retired - to prison.

  6. #$%^&, that means there's no chance of a R or I taking the seat.

  7. Actually, I'm kind of bummed about it. Dodd would have lost. Richard Blumenthal, the state attorney general and a pretty popular guy has a much better chance against any GOP candidate. It would have been fun though to be a fly on the wall when the Dem's powerbrokers told him, "Dude, you're out of here."

  8. Stephen's right. The seat had more chance of changing from blue to red with Dodd running for reelection.

    With Dodd's negatives, I have to believe someone looked at his numbers and persuaded him drop out so Blumenthal can take it.

  9. staghounds wins this one.

    If Dodd was to stay, he'd get killed in a heads-up with the Stupid Party candidate, preferably an empty suit.

    Replacing one career politician Donk with another, no doubt.

  10. Stephen has the right of it. Blumenthal is an hysterically anti-gun authoritarian, a truely scary man, replete with glowing eyes and John Brownian devotion to his collectivist meme.

    He's far too rich to be swayed by filthy lucre like Thug Dodd, and he's also a lot brighter.

    Given the completely one-sided media coverage he'll get here in Connecticut, Rob Simmons is in trouble anywhere outside the Military Coast down around New London/Groton.

    I'm pulling for Simmons, but I think we'll get our asses kicked, and end up sending a highly intelligent, legitimately ruthless, true believing lefty to the Senate. Shit!

  11. With news like that, I'd expect to get a UPS (unionized, you know) tracking number for my Skittle-pooping unicorn in an email at any time now.


  12. Please would pelosi, reed , shumer and franks go as well!The numb nuts are too entrenched as idiots for obamas agenda. They need to be ousted!


  13. Now if only the next headline could be: Dick Durbin resigns, Roland Burris, clueless, joins him, what a wonderful day we could have !

    Or better yet Mayor Daley arrested, joins Blago, etal.

  14. For some reason ... the phrase "like rats leaving a sinking ship" keeps rolling around my head.

  15. I'm kinda disappointed.

    I wanted him dragged out of his office to a gallows on the town square.

    Or, even better, this.

  16. Well, after being named one of the top 10 most corrupt politicians in Washington it's not like he'd win so might as well make it appear voluntary...


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