Thursday, February 18, 2010

Almost as good as the "Twinkie Defense"...

The whackjob professor in Alabama allegedly failed her saving throw vs. Crazy.

Whatever. As long as they keep her in a +3 Cell of Holding until they get around to juicing her up with a Potion of Executing.


  1. Link is broken, Snark works 100%

    I'd offer some help, but I chose SCUBA diving for my Level 10 skill slot rather than HTML.

    And all my dive gear is gathering dust in my garage. I wish the DM would let me take a mulligan!

  2. Ah, the Blooming of Violent Public Insanity in the 21st Century!!!!

    Hey, everything was 'made OK', during the last half of the 20th
    century. Non-responsibility for one's actions has been ordained for the last fifty years by the Order of Mental Health and Sociological Regulators, in order that we should 'feel good about our selves', no matter the heinousness of the act.

    I observe that a Plague of Rat-shit craziness has done been foisted off on us, by Der Competent Authorities, and thereby we's 'spos'd to eat cake and admire the Emperor's Clothes, all the while.

    Anyway, buy primers. it's the least one can do.


  3. So her defense is that she failer her Sanity check? If only a Miskatonic University alum had made the elder sign, this all could have been averted.


    The insanity defence has always confused me in that if someone is mentally DAMAGED to the point that they are unable to control themselves long enough to NOT go out and randomly murder people. Then why do we bother to keep them alive? Really, whats the point in sending der crazy to the head shrink until said doc says der crazy isn't anymore only to let them out on the gamble that said doc isn't high on something or having a bad day that day? I have known a few people who were, at times, genuine mental patients and guess what... that whole getting better from being crazy isn't based in any reality that I have seen. Now don't get me wrong, I don't think we should go out and execute all the crazy people, that would make for a truely boring world, and who cares if your Aunt Nelly thinks rabbits are messangers from God as long as God doesn't have the holy rabbits tell ol' Nell to kill kill kill. Once the holy rabbits cross that line though, it's time for ol' Nell to meet said rabbit God on a more personal level if you catch my drift.

    I'm just sayin...


    wv: ombarr... the secret name of the rabbit god... no... really...

  5. This woman is a nutter to the nth degree. She killed her brother (once is an accidental discharge--three times is murder in my book) and was suspected of mailing a pipe bomb to a professor who criticized her dissertation work.

    It's hard to believe that they are actually trying to use the 'Mazes and Monsters' defense.

  6. I'm with you Stuart!

    Somebody's nutberger enough to start killing people (and mailing pipe bombs to boot) she's likely the kind of crazy that doesn't get better unless you pump them so full of drugs they start sprouting a root system.

    It may look grizzly, but a 2x LD50 dose of morphine is a rather pleasant way to check out, and it doesn't involve years of nightmarish vegitism, not to mention the risk to caregivers who have to feed and water said dangerous nutberger.

    And of course there's the damage to my wallet.

    So to continue on the D&D G33kery, Let's hope the Kindom of Al'abama has the great artifact Needle of Death, and the Captain of the Guards isn't too much of a munchkin min/maxer to spare a charge on the blighted princess!

    It's such a win-win scenario that it's like the whole world rolled a natural 20 at once!

  7. Given the cost of 20 years of appeals, cheaper and easier to go for life w/out parole. And, given the state of Alabama's treasury, I'm more inclined to save the buck. Just make sure the cell has a mattress with a nice strong cord around the edge and let problems solve themselves.

  8. Tam - I'm not sure who I am more ashamed of. You for writing that post or me for understanding it.

  9. As an elderly British woman was once quoted, "Blessed are the cracked, for they let in the light."

    However, this dingbat nutter isn't just cracked, she's shattered.

    cap'n chumbucket.

  10. Hey, as I've said, I'd have played D&D 24/7 if there were women like Tam playing. I ended up sitting wedged between the barely postpubescent versions of Bella Abzug and Phyllis Diller. it wasnt' the role playing aspect of it that bugged me, but the certain knowledge that if I didn't get outdoors and start killing and eating things, I'd end up a pasty faced mushroom like the nutbergers (thanks, Weerd, I love that term) I was hanging with.

  11. What Jenny said.


  12. ...It's unfortunate that the Dungeon Master in MA gave her a +2 cloak of invisibility instead of -3 enabling scroll.

  13. Maybe that pilot down in Texas was playing D&D too.


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