Sunday, February 21, 2010


I was supposed to be writing something, but first I had to go to the grocery store, and then my little "news" tab in this strange Mac browser served up the bizarro saga of Amy Bishop.

This isn't crazy: This is merely the result of a life of never being told "no"; a life full of self-esteem boosting, where everybody else is sent over from central casting to be extras in The Great Life Of Dr. Bishop. This is what happens when the culture of Everybody's A Winner spends forty years enabling a pure-t sociopath.


  1. Tam excellent points. She isn't crazy, she is spoiled and the world revolves around her. I'll bet she fully expects this situation to go away so she can resume her "work."

  2. She ought to go to jail based on her hairdo alone. . . Mein Gott!

  3. Dose any else get a sense of irony of this happening in a place named Huntsville?

  4. Just a bit pleased with herself... look at the URL for her research lab's website:

    Looks like reviewers said "no" to her a fair bit, though: she got her job as an assistant prof in 2003, and published 7 papers since. That'd be pretty good output for a grad student, but it's damn near abysmal for a supervising research prof. (At least it would be in my field.)

  5. See squirrel poop, nuttier than.


  6. "... the police had already swept every room of the science building, finding nothing but a 9-millimeter handgun in the second-floor restroom."

    Wonder if the 9mm belongs to Homeland Security personnel?

  7. Well, I reckon the good news is that she thought she was so special with narcissistic superpowers that she didn't need to practice malfunction drills with the piece. I betcha Prof Moriarty will remember Amy pointing that pistol at her and going click click click with it for the rest of her life.

    P.s. What kind of piece was it exactly (obviously DA) and what kind of ammo did she use?

  8. "I betcha Prof Moriarty will remember Amy pointing that pistol at her and going click click click with it for the rest of her life."

    If Prof Moriarty hasn't had her entire frontal cortex devoured by the cancerous commie environment of .edu she will prepare herself for the next time a pistol is pointed at her and not wait for a click click before creating a BANG BANG of her own.

    Al Terego

  9. "she will prepare herself for the next time..."

    Why that's... elementary.

    Then again, the good professor will probably always just get away, it's a running plot point.

  10. She should have been on 24 hour watch after she disclosed her new invention, the petri dish.

  11. I'm not sure about bluntobject's field, but I work a Bio/Paleo field and out put should be 2-3 papers a year to be tenure competitive. Producing 7 papers in 7 years is not enough, it should've been double that.

    So, either she was told "no" a lot by reviewers, or my suspicion is that she simply didn't publish. Hell, this lady seems like the type that wouldn't publish her results for the "unwashed masses" to read.


  12. The Huntsville Times is the better times than is the New York Times, here, as in other cases.


  13. 2 papers per year?


    You guys reporting about how, beer fermented again! whjen yeast was added?

    I don't mean to be sarcastic, I've written and engineering thesis and am published _ and ran away fromthe academic world.

    It's just that I cannot see every researcher in ever field having anything worth yakking about twice a year, other than maybe, "goddamit, another 6 experiments failed, I need a new idea."

    Thing is in my days of hanging around in scientifc conferences I never once saw a paper/ presentation saying , "this line of thought, though initially promising, was heaping pile of crap and here's why." <-- That's REAL science and engineering.

    I did see a lot of crap & pointless papers, and a collegue once saw a experimental fluidized bed reactor where the gas velocity was apparently supersonic. Cough.

  14. On an advanced biology test, one question was, "What do you expect to find in a cell?"

    I didn't expect the answer to be, "Amy Bishop".


  15. Some of the articles and papers in the trade journals will say "We tried it, and it doesn't work, so Dr. X and Dr. Y are either not documenting how they did it correctly, or maybe they're lying, or maybe they caught lightning in a bottle, but no one else can."

    I've read a couple of these articles in the evidence collection journals, like AFTE.
    But then, Art, I've skimmed almost every article published since 1969, too.

  16. (And that tone of paper wasn't common, I'll admit.)

  17. Oh, and Tamara?
    Just because we practically designed the crazy wench doesn't mean that she wasn't crazy. She had lost touch with what reality was.

  18. Hey, Matt, she's from Harvard. Harvard doesn't do reality. If anything, they're agin it on principle...



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