Sunday, February 21, 2010

Fundamentally Unserious.

In the tradition of great statesmen like Sonny Bono, Al Franken, the Governator, and Jesse "The Body" Ventura, The Nation (whose editorial board looks like a cross between the Legion of Doom and the Island of Misfit Toys*) is apparently all aboard the John Cougar Mellencamp for Senator train.

*Srsly. Lani Guinier, Toni Morrison, and Tom Hayden? All they need is Jo-Jo the Dog-Faced Boy and the dude that bites the heads off chickens, and they'd have the complete collection.


  1. Why is that just because people are celebrities, others consider their yapping worth listening to?

  2. Especially someone whose ego far outstrips his talent and intellect.

  3. "All they need is Jo-Jo the Dog-Faced Boy and the dude that bites the heads off chickens, and they'd have the complete collection."

    Ozzy Osbourne is getting into American politics?

    Oh, wait, that was bats, not chickens...

    ZOMG MV: reariq - I kid you not...

  4. Don't forget "Bed time for Bonzo" Reagan

  5. "The Nation" is one of the reasons I'm registered L, not R. That mag was founded by the original centralizing nationalizing Republicans, way back when. Don't forget, the Repubes were the original Pwogwessives, back when the (pre-Bryan, non-Southern) Democrats still believed in liberty and subsidiarity.

    "One nation, indivisible"? I don't think so.

  6. "Don't forget "Bed time for Bonzo" Reagan"

    I usually don't include Reagan in the category in the final analysis because, by the time he was elected President he'd been in politics almost as long as our current one has been out of law school.

    Another one that gets the label hung on him a lot is Fred Thompson, which is funny, because he was a US Attorney fifteen years before he accidentally got an acting gig (playing himself.)

  7. "Freedom of speech is really about assembly — for us to collectively have an idea. We want to get our point of view out so we can assemble and I can appoint you to be the spokesman."

    Is this guy.. qualified to do anything involving politics?

  8. So can he promise a car in every garage? A chicken in every pot? Little pink houses for you and me?

    Given his position on Freedom Of Speech, it would seem that, after having fought authority and finding that authority always wins, he's decided that if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

    But most important, I want someone to ask him: What's with that "suckin' on a chilidog" line? Awkward, much?


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