Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I probably shouldn't...

...but sometimes I can't resist.

A "commenter" at Marko's munchkin ranch this AM:
I am very interested in a sugar-free living. I currently have a sweet-tooth, and am finding it difficult to find meal plans, what to eat for snacks, etc. While diabetes is not something that runs in my family, I am still concerned and would like to be smart and take a proactive approach to my health. Any tips or advice?
Finding myself with an extra few minutes on my hands, I tried to pretend that I was a drone in a Chongqing spam sweatshop:
I am very interested in a spam-free living. I currently have an ad fetish, and am finding it difficult to find pop-up windows, Chicom trojans, and malware-infested Lithuanian porn sites. While identity theft is not something that runs in my family, I am still concerned and would like to be smart and take a proactive approach to not falling prey to 419 scammers. Any tips or advice?
My context-sensitive Google ads should be interesting for a couple of days...


  1. You forgot that you seek to enhance your breasts and penis, and need online pharma cialis viagra oxycontin.

  2. Why you gotta pick on Lithuanians? We're the underappreciated "other blond meat" of Europe.

  3. I think the dog playing tag with the children is a wonderful image of childhood closeness and affection.

    Then there are the romantic loves songs about huggin' and kissin' and squeezin', like in Elvis' movie about Kissin' Cousins. Of course, the cousins kissed a bunch, but not on camera, and didn't kiss each other. "ICBM." "You see BM? I don't see BM. My eyes must be going." Or Leapy Lee and Little Arrows. "Little arrows in your clothing, little arrows in your hair, when you're in love you find those arrows everywhere."

    At least no one will find this post when looking for Barracuda Babes or Sarah Palin, or for Rush Limbaugh or that Glenn Beck guy, or even Chris Matthews. Heck they won't even come looking for criticism about President George W. Bush or President Barack Obama, one past President of the United States and the other that should be. Or about states' rights and state sovereignty, crushing taxes, strangling regulations, green-washing meaningless gestures, or even cornbread stuffing, with onion and, oh that is good with turkey or ham. And no one will come looking for link exchanges looking for bareback pads or ways to make $5000 each week.


  4. From my visitor log, I would say the spam workshops are in Manila.

  5. I like fried Spam too much to ever give it up.


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