Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The strange knowledge I have...

Bobbi walks into the office this morning and looks over to see Slinky, the three-pound geriatricat, sitting in her litterbox, looking dejected.

"Oh, what's wrong, Slinky?"

"Performance anxiety," I supplied helpfully, "She just had her butt positioned in the litterbox, and she was kinda tentative about the whole peeing thing to begin with..."

"So she's just waiting in there 'til the feeling comes again?"

"Yup, pretty much. Do you know, it's sad that I've become a leading authority on your cat peeing. I've watched her so many times in the past two years to make sure she didn't pee over the edge, I could write a book: On The Micturitions of Slinky."


  1. Got me an 19 year old siamese female who has no performance anxiety whatsoever but really bad aim and (mostly high about 3 inches high and outside the box). Our life is now a constant hunt for whenever she has the urge so we can help her aim

  2. Hmmmmm.....used to have a cat with bad aim. Now we have a new cat.

  3. It's not so much that Slinky has bad aim, it's just that she reasons that if all four feet are inside the box, she's golden. The problem is largely solved by the fact that the box itself is sitting atop a later of newsprint, which is on a large rubber mat. Still, I try to help her if I see her about to have problems.

  4. The problem being that they don't always see it as a problem. I've never had an indoor cat who didn't loath a "used" litterbox, and some solved the issue in the way Slinky seems to have - stand inside, pee outside.

    They make excellent hides for banjos, BTW. Just something to consider.

    wv=giestr, as in "get your giestr inside the damned litterbox."

  5. Micturitions.

    That's a new one on me.

    And I thought I knew all the fancy terms for the typical gutter language for that one.

    I learn something new every day.

  6. Could be worse. I have a pair of toilet trained felines. But one has balance issues (fell in once). So he summons me for help.
    And then add the recent medical issue that's gotten me peed on twice in the last two days...

  7. Hmmm, you're talking cats, and that damn flashing catnip ad is back.

  8. I didn't know you were part Vogon.


  9. Sometimes kitty gets in the box and can't pee. Urinary track issues. Might want to get her checked.

  10. Three pounds is one tiny little geriatricat. Might be good to have a checkup done. If kidney trouble (most likely), they now have a pill you can give kitty that helps filter? the most dangerous chemicals out of her bloodstream that the kidneys are not catching.

    My last kitty was 17 when I got her, and she made it to 21. Kitties don't like to use a dirty litter box, so keep it as clean as possible, but try to keep a note of how often you change it so you can answer the inevitable "Is she using the litter box too much?" question from the vet.


  11. "that if all four feet are inside the box, she's golden."

    ...when instead, something else gets gilded.


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