Sunday, February 21, 2010


Sitting on the porch, reading a shiny new copy of Starving the Monkeys: Fight Back Smarter, and waiting for Shootin' Buddy to show up so we can head to the Blogmeet.

I've got extra proselytizing copies of Eat the Rich, Age and Guile Beat Youth, Innocence, and a Bad Haircut, Give War a Chance, and Holidays in Hell to hand out when I get there. 

Don't be square, be there.


  1. I hate you: ever since you gave me "Holidays in Hell", I've become a total P.J. junkie!

  2. Ahhh. Wish I could! It's about 11K miles away... :(

  3. When the weather is warmer and less icy, Mrs. Crucis and I will trek east for a visit. Right now we have an inch of ice encasing everything. A present from the ice storm last night.

    Y'all have fun.

  4. Blessings unto his name, the sacred O'Rourke.

    Also check out online his articles "How to drive fast on drugs while getting your wing-wang squeezed and not spill your drink", "The opposite of progress", and, about his cancer, ":Give me liberty and give me death".

    The ultimate hoot. I ain't even religious, but God Bless'im.

  5. P.J. O'Rourke is the Samuel Langhorne Clemens of our time. I particularly loved Parliament of Whores and All the Trouble in the World.

  6. I'm Square. I've had to go over my final preparations for my appt with the tax accountant tomorrow AM. Plus I had to feed column beast at SGN.

    Maybe next time...

    All The Best,
    Frank W. James

  7. Is the Dynamite Story in one of those? I always giggle at the thought of the Math Prof, under the influence of too much beer and too much hashish, trying to decide which stick of dynamite is most central to the other two, so as to pick the best place into which to poke the detonator.

    WV: sicas. Add a k and s, and, well, there I am.

  8. Let us know what you think of starve the monkeys. Been thinking about that purchase my self.

  9. By the time Buddy shows up, you will be cannon fodder as to conversation to the range.
    The man is to be a saint for the miles ahead.

  10. I think -- but I would have to consult the Books -- that the Dynamite Story is in Age and Guile.

  11. Please, do let us in on the more choice quotes that you may find written therein, whilst reading Monkeys, I've been rather curious about that book.


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