Tuesday, March 30, 2010

God bless your heart, Mr. Robinson...

Syndicated invertebrate Eugene Robinson is filling his Depends® over the whole "Hutaree" thing:
It is disingenuous for mainstream purveyors of incendiary far-right rhetoric to dismiss groups such as the Hutaree by saying that there are "crazies on both sides." This simply is not true.
Bear in mind that this is coming from a guy who considers Sarah Palin or Rush Limbaugh a purveyor of "incendiary far-right rhetoric."

Anyhow, Robinson (who made his bones, remember, covering the Patty Hearst case,) goes on to state:
There are aging radicals in Cuba today who got to Havana by hijacking airplanes in the 1970s. Left-wing radicals caused mayhem and took innocent lives.
But for the most part, far-left violence in this country has gone the way of the leisure suit and the AMC Gremlin. An antiglobalization movement, including a few window-smashing anarchists, was gaining traction at one point, but it quickly diminished after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. An environmental group and an animal-rights group have been linked with incidents of arson. Beyond those particulars, it is hard to identify any kind of leftist threat.
Ah, yes, the '70s... The good ol' days of cruising the burger joints, listening to Rage Against The Machine 8-tracks in my AMC Pacer... What planet is this knucklehead living on? I know, I know: "Planet Media", which consists entirely of coastline and where the view of the rest of the universe is through a reality distortion field that makes the one surrounding Steve Jobs look like a mild case of static cling by comparison.

"Hard to identify..."?!?! Look, you simpleton, those aging leftist radicals didn't all wind up in Cuba; some of them stayed in Hyde Park and hobnobbed with future Presidents. This understandably irks a few people.


  1. ...and some of them made their living room available to another one of their leftist buddies to launch his first campaign.
    I did, however get a brief picture of Bill Ayers in a liesure suit driving a Greamlin

  2. What I find funny is that the leftist radicals are obviously harmless members of the fringe, while rightist radicals are evidence of rot that goes straight to the core. Funny how that works.

    WV: unduckin -- what you do after the dodgeball passes

  3. Leftist violence out of fashion?

    Doesn't this knucklehead remember the 2008 Republican convention where delegates were attacked, sandbags were dropped on cars and liberals rioted with firebombs?

    The Left wrote books, made art and even made a movie about killing Bush.

    Violence is the province of the Left as it is the only argument they have.

    Shootin' Buddy

  4. Violence is the province of the Left as it is the only argument they have.

    And yet, when someone gets fed up and finally punches back, they get all butthurt. It'd be funny if it weren't so sad (and if they weren't in charge).

  5. Who is punching back???

    Shootin' Buddy

  6. "And yet, when someone gets fed up and finally punches back, they get all butthurt."

    If that's the case, someone is punching them in the wrong place.

    (Sorry, I couldn't resist.)

    wv: gullag - where the leftists who can't spell would like everyone who disagrees with them to go.

  7. I wonder if there's a NGO that tracks left-wing violence.

  8. The violent left doesn't make the news because:
    a) the media doesn't report it much, and when they do, not for very long
    b) most of those who were the violent left in the past went legit and joined the system, because they realized they could accomplish their goals by subverting that same system from within.

  9. "...those aging leftist radicals didn't all wind up in Cuba; some of them stayed in Hyde Park and hobnobbed with future Presidents."

    And others of them are sitting in editor's chairs and manning anchor desks of the MSM (yeah, redundant to your blurb I know).

    Just now on the NBC nightly noose, it was earnestly reported that while 9/11 may have curtailed the activities of lefty whackos for good, its effects on righty whitey was but temporary, as evidenced by the "exponential growth of militia-type groups" such as the one recently "outed" in Michigan. This was all graphed and charted, with video of military wargames activity as a bonus.

    Nothing surprising about any of that of course, but here's the kicker: apparently all the toofless howling savages in "rural areas" have somehow figgered out them 'puter thangs and are cyber-influencing the innocents in the cities to join their eevil gun totin', sheet wearin', democracy hatin' subversive midst against their will.

    LMAO...then CMEO.


  10. A story impossible for the media to ignore; Rural Christians, guns, bombs uniforms and trailers. What more could they ask for?
    The real wonder is there was only one inside informant reporting to the Feds. I would have figured in any wingnut organization with nine members they'd have one each from the FBI, ATF, and possibly ACLU or PETA.
    Damn shame there isn't an intelligence test that has to be passed before anyone could vote, breed or buy a gun.
    And yeah even as a (3rd generation) NRA member and a right winger I don't think just any swinging dick should be able to go around shooting up the countryside.
    Having said that, I doubt if these mouth breathers were any more dangerous than a lot of the chest thumpers that post here.

  11. "Having said that, I doubt if these mouth breathers were any more dangerous than a lot of the chest thumpers that post here."

    I can swear on a stack of bibles that, push come to shove, they were a lot less dangerous than many who post here, your humble servant included...

  12. What are the odds that the talk about ambushing law enforcement agents was initiated by the FBI plant?

  13. <<<Trying to be dangerous.

    I fear the 'violence' inspiring the libs' recent hysterics are mere shadows of what might come.

    WV: tardish---need I say more?


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