Monday, March 08, 2010

Since I'm sure you're all waiting with bated breath...

...I shot Marksman on the classifier yesterday.

I'm sure I could have shaved a little bit of time by using the slide stop on reloads, and the "tactical reload" technique of trapping the old mag with your pinkie is molasses slow compared to ripping out the old one before fishing up a new one, but I was overall happy with my performance.

Oddly I don't think I really shaved any time by using the LTC 9 over a .45ACP. Sure it's a 9mm, but it's an alloy Commander-size gun, which means you're not really gaining much of anything in the muzzle flip department over a 5" steel Government model. That fiber optic front sight was good for a couple tenths on the 20-yard strings, maybe.


  1. Good job.

    How was your accuracy?


  2. You classified in ESP as Marksman? Not an easy division! I've been stuck in Marksman for 8 years now. It is the hardest of all.

  3. "How was your accuracy?"


    I dropped a couple gutterballs on the short guy in the middle on one of the longer strings.

    Want to go faster, but don't want to miss... The very essence of action pistol.

  4. I would be happy if I shot the qualifier clean ie: no misses but that has yet to happen.

    Better scores with my everyday carry G19 than the gamer M&P or even the Kimber CDP II.


  5. Glad you we not unclassified. That would have stung...

    I moved up to SS in CDP last summer.

    Not bad for only shooting half a season. My only issue now is not having practiced most of the winter when my local range was down for new ventilation and other issues travel related

  6. Dunno how one's breath can be baited.
    Short, quick breaths are surely what Tamara knew her readers exhibited.

  7. Don't like sounding pedantic, but bated is properly used in this context.

  8. Great!

    I am an ESP Sharpshooter, but I spent some time in Marksman as well. The real question is did you have fun? Would you do it again? Hmmmm??


    P.S. I have a lot of respect for you Tam. There are alot of people that are critical of IDPA and have never shot it because some mall ninja hurt their feelings, but you (wo)manned up and shot it. Kudos to you! You are a dame and a scholar.

  9. I'm still trying to figure out where you picked up the idea that I'm down on competition shooting or have some mad-on against IDPA...

  10. I didn't believe that, but I know how people can get when it comes to competitive shooting. It's easy to get disenchanted when Marty Mall Ninja comes out of his cubicle and wants to show the world his prowess with his shiny new STI. I understood your premise. I have been critical of IDPA in the past as well, I was just saying that it's one thing to be critical and another to be dismissive. IDPA needs critical people, but dismissive people are just looking for an excuse to write it off. IDPA is a good thing (as is USPSA), but the tendency for many people is to write it off after they ran across some asshole with a Magwell that matches their ego. I am just saying that it would have been easy to write it off and you didn't.

  11. "Dunno how one's breath can be baited."

    One word: bacon.

  12. Uh guys, do you know what ;) means?

  13. Timmeehh,

    Yeah, a smile and a wink and a I'm just joshing you. Usually.

    Too often it also means I like you and don't want to piss you off when I'm nitpicking something you said.

    My apologies for taking your ;) the wrong way.


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