Saturday, April 03, 2010

I can see the connection!

You know, now that Rev. Cantalamessa has pointed it out, I can totally see how being skeptical of an organization's willingness to deal properly with child buggerers is just like herding Jews into gas chambers. I don't know why I never noticed the similarities before.

With the Reverend's obviously divine gift for good public relations moves, Michael Steele should make him a job offer. It would be interesting to see to just what historical injustice he compared Ma and Pa Redstate's indignation at picking up the tab for lesbian bondage peep shows.


  1. So...*shifty eyes* who signs their expense accounts?

  2. The church in America has done yeomans work in eliminating this disaster. The VIRTUS program that is mandatory for anyone who works with children is the model that is now being used by non-Catholic organizations because it works. And now idiots like this find new ways to make Catholics look like fools. Thanks,Rev, you retard.

  3. This is much ado about nothing. He read a letter from a Jewish friend who stated that he was disgusted with the attack on the Catholic church as a whole because of selected incidents, which by the way are being reported with the usual accuracy from the legacy media. His reference to collective violence was clumsy, but his point is valid.

  4. "Ma and Pa Redstate's indignation at picking up the tab for lesbian bondage peep shows."

    I'm pretty much okay with the LBPS, it's the use of funds to re-elect the likes of Olympia Snowe that I vehemently oppose.

  5. Y'know, the voluntary funding of a global organization that has SOPs that put celibate men of unknown sexual predilections in close and unsupervised contact with children and which has a long-term pattern of shielding said men from the the consequences of their actions when things go a bit off-track is not a choice I, personally, would make, no matter what wonderful goodness said organization also performs.

  6. I'd aim a ditto at what RX said.



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