Saturday, April 03, 2010

13 hours that didn't shake the world.

So Vlad the Terrible was down in Caracas yesterday, promising to help Pugsley and his oil-wealthy nation develop peaceful nuclear energy. And a space program!

Raise your hand if this makes you feel all cuddly inside.

Yeah, me neither.


  1. You see a lot of lefty-emo comments like this. The underlying assumption is that conflicts between nations are based on leaders being miffed about what Kaitlin said last week in gym class, or holding a grudge about how Britney wore that blue dress to the prom when she KNEW Barak was wearing the same thing, and HE bought his FIRST!

    They think that international relations are driven by personal peeves and hurt feelings, so maybe if Vlad and Barak can just put their feelings aside and forget about what happened at the Prom, they can be friends again.

    They can't get out of their middle school mindset long enough to realize that conflicts or alliances between nations are based on real or perceived interests. Hitler and Stalin didn't just suddenly realize the similarities between their ideologies in 1939; no, they both perceived that by pretending to be friends they could carve up Poland.

    It is frightening to me that our foreign policy is being run by people who do not have the slightest contact with reality. 'Course, you could say the same thing about our energy policy, our fiscal policy, our health policy...

  2. "Russia offers help so that Venezuela can have its own industry for the use of its outer space," Chavez said Thursday night.

    When I look up at the night sky tonight, where exactly do I look to check out Venezuela's Outer Space?

  3. Hugo's plane needs to not make it across to Cuba, one of these fine days.

    Sunk New Dawn
    Galveston, TX

  4. How are Putin and Pugsley alike? They both start with peeeyooo; that awful smell is the cooking-up of the Havana of the 21st Century.

    Who's going to stand down those um, supply ships this time?

    And failing that, Alath's comparison to Stalin/Hitler holds a lesson apparently lost on Pugs; that didn't work out particularly well for one of those ideologues, and a Russian colony with the geographical attraction and spendable/tradeable resources of Venezuela plays right into the game plan of ol' Vlad, methinks.

    While the attention of the world is everywhere else, that ol' sleeping bear is waking up, and he's very, very hungry.


  5. alath said...
    "Hitler and Stalin didn't just suddenly realize the similarities between their ideologies in 1939..."

    I think I just heard Hitler curse you all the way from the deepest depths of hell.

  6. I'm still giggling over Putin cautioning Barack not to go down the (Shining) Socialist Path...

  7. Let's see, who else is interested in space... Russia, China, India, Iran, Venezuela... hmm, no that doesn't frighten me one bit.

    I mean, letting a bunch of land hungry totalitarian regimes have the high ground of space isn't national suicide, right?

    **/ Sarcasm off \**

  8. I am not afraid of Hugo getting his hands on a Nuclear Reactor. Let's face it, a "company" that already demonstrated its product is flawed and selling it to a country that cannot maintain 2 energy sources (Oil and hydroelectric)that they had forever and didn't have trouble before the revolution. A country that produces oil by just looking at the ground and has the second largest hydroelectric dam in South America is rationing electricity because they can't figure out how to keep things running or even where to buy the replacement parts! Worst case scenario, Venezuela one day wakes up glowing in the dark.

  9. Miguel, you're saying nuclear and extraterrestrial capability/hardware/software plus nearly limitless resources, in the hands of inept, unstable, and *very* ambitious us-hatin' despots hookin' up on our doorstep is not worrisome? Dude, you got nerves of steel...or something.

    "Worst case scenario, Venezuela one day wakes up glowing in the dark."



  10. Was shocked to see Pugsley and Vlad walking together down some regal hallway.

    Shocked, in that I said outloud, "I didn't know Hugo Chavez was that short!" He's taller than Vlad, but that's not saying much.

  11. Oh, the Russians. . .still trying to see how they can poke the USA in the eye. . .

    Nonetheless, we should take note that all the Pukwudgees taken it toto could do us some damage, if they ever get working together: Russia, China, Venezuela, Iran, N. Korea, Syria---actually China is getting too big and powerful to be considered minor by now. . .

    But, no matter---I am sure our wise, courageous and clear thinking President and his staff will be able to combat these factions. . .

    WV: "ingenolo: Italian for "back up"

  12. "...administration hasn't done enough to lure Moscow away from Caracas."

    Lure Moscow away? It'd be easier just to be rid of the President-for-Life.

    Chavez always reminded me of Mussolini. Perhaps they'll meet in hell.

  13. Obama reminds me of Mussolini, he thinks that all he has to do is make a speech and it is so. Add the odd expressions and the thuggish attitude towards his opponents, all that's missing is the shaved head and the Italian public mannerisms.
    And the mistress.


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