Saturday, April 17, 2010

I feel so... so... dangerous!

The other day we had Slick Willy getting all lathered up about "'hatriot' groups, the Oath Keepers, the Three Percenters." Now we have Robert Mueller, head of the EffaBeeEye, making it official:
Fifteen years after the Oklahoma City bombing, the specter of domestic terrorism has returned to haunt the Obama administration, with a warning from the FBI that “home-grown and lone-wolf extremists” now represent as serious a threat as Al Qaeda and its affiliates, The Times reported on Saturday.
Wow. I own a gun or three. I might go participate in a 2nd Amendment march today. Does that make me more dangerous than a jihadette with a bomb in her burqa?

We have guys with their jockeys full of Semtex buying airline tickets with cash, and the feds are busy getting spun up about bubbas in Mossy Oak angry about taxes. Way to keep your eye on the ball...

Of course, with this level of fixation, I'm starting to worry about them looking for a van der Lubbe; if their devil doesn't exist, they may have to invent one.


  1. Someone in the Administration needs to tell Mueller to zip it before he has his debut in a November campaign ad.

    People already think they aren't very interested in protecting the country from al Qaeda, and now he basically confirms it.

    This is an example of how left wing media bias hurts the Democrats. Republicans sure say some dumb stuff, but this is idiocy turned up to 11. He thinks he will get away with it because the media has always covered for this sort of thing in the past, but doesn't understand that the Internet routes around all the media bias.

  2. IIRC the FBI said the exact opposite a week or two ago. Some one must have sent an angry memo telling them to get with the narrative.

  3. Well, I can't speak for others Tam, but I'M ascairt of you.

  4. Tam can kill you with her brain.

    (Sorry, I had to.)

  5. Actually, it makes sense if you look at it from THEIR point of view.

    Free thinking individuals are FAR more dangerous to their plans than the Jihadis.

  6. Funny how the statists never ask themselves, "Why do they hate us?"


    TW: ophonate -- sounding like Barry the O.

  7. *quadruple thumbs up for Mark Alger*

  8. Alan and Mark pegged it.


  9. "...if their devil doesn't exist, they may have to invent one."

    But they are! That's what this is all about: "Beware of the Lone Dissenter!"

    If ya just gotta set off a bomb, the message should be "Death to Capitalists!" That way, you'd get a presidential appointment as a czar of something or another.

    No double standards, no, not at all.


  10. What's the difference between this administration and Conservatives?
    We don't have to Goggle "van der Lubbe."

  11. But wait! I thought we were already upgraded to dangerous by DHS? I'm confused!

  12. Never let a burning Reichstag go to waste.

  13. The more days that pass, the more it seems like a prologue to Matt Bracken's first book.

  14. Wow. I own a gun or three. I might go participate in a 2nd Amendment march today. Does that make me more dangerous than a jihadette with a bomb in her burqa?

    They have already said so, in so many words, have they not? The lie was in the walk-back.

  15. Mrs Crucis and I attended the KC Tea Party this last Thursday. I estimated attended around 5,500. Part of the program was a tribute to veterans and they had all of us gather in front and then march across the field where the progression was recorded. The Oathkeepers where present and carried a banner as they crossed the field. I would guess that more than 500 vets of all ages participated.

    Quite a few were carrying. You could by the bulges under the shirts.

  16. We can't love our country and hate our government.

  17. I've been doing that almost as long as I could spell "government". ;)

  18. Was at the march today.

    It's interesting. About 40 people. All very civil and only one potential heckler.

    There was one "asking questions" NWO, Patriot Act ect kook who was doing an interview with one of the organizers, who was polite but denied the tinfoil-hatness.

    But even the "kook" was very polite and civil and restrained.

    So, it seems that the FBI and the rest of .gov are more excitable than the "fringe" of an open carry march.


  19. Agree with Alan, and yes, we ARE their Devil...

  20. We can't love our country and hate our government.

    Can the government hate it's citizens and justly serve them? I look at it like alcoholism. I don't hate the government, I just hate what it does. For the record "Bill," in my book, you still suck for selling technology to China. Pantload.

  21. 2. Director Mueller is right. Home grown and lone wolf extremists kill dozns of Americans every day.

    Of course it's usually extremism over dope or shutting that b!tch up. But since the dead Americans those extremists kill are usually poor and dark, they may not have been the sort of extremists he meant.

    (To be fair, Oklahoma City is still #2. And the Happyland Social Club is still #3.)

    2. Alan's almost right.

    AQ isn't dangerous to the plans of domestic tyrants aspirant, AQ is their ALLY.

    As are lone nutjob dissenters. As are serious existential national enemies.

    Without Jeff Davis, the Kaiser, Hitler, Stalin, Tim McVeigh, and Bin Laden, where would domestic tyranny be?

    Without enemies, what leverage would those who would protect us have?

  22. Never fear, the AgitProp Dept will get a comprehensible and all-encompassing ScaryGunFolkThing, that will be sufficiently well-lubed for the public to receive the Remedy uncomplainingly --eagerly even -- one orifice or another.

    It's just that a replay of Ruby Ridge or Waco is a bit harder to sell the second time around. BUT, as per the late MILITA arrests in Southern Michigan, it still seems that there is enough suggestible idiot material out there to be manipulated by "informants" [i.e. agents of a formal law unit]into doing something violently "Reichstagian".

    Never fear; there are very bright and criminal minds in any BEEG Gov't Enterprise, eager to forward their own careers, even if it's over the charred corpses of children. I mean, Janet and Hillary did all right, y'know?

    Have Faith, Brethren and Sisters. No matter how transparently and crudely the provocation is performed, out opposition will not fail to disappoint our worst expectations.

    JohnM, a little more Red than usual, lately.

  23. This is all George Bush's fault. LOL! Someone had to say it.

  24. We can't love our country and hate our government.

    I hate a large portion of the government BECAUSE I love my country.

  25. It amazes me that all of these well educated folks don't remember their basic Psych 101- "".

    Think about this. If only say..... 5,000 lone wolf types with a bit of imagination decided to actually BECOME the domestic terrorists they jabber continually about, what kind of chaos could they create with even simple acts of disobedience? I'm not talking about shooting anyone or blowing up a federal buildings, just simple shit like watching for those "Call before you dig" signs, etc.
    This is academic of course and I would never advocate that kind of shit but if a few rocks through windows got them screaming like monkeys........

  26. You are absolutely right about this. All I can say is, bring your handheld cameras/flips to every function. Document, document, document.

  27. May have to invent one?


    I'd say we've seen them already do that, in spades, and The Won is merely waiting for his minions to yell the word to come after...well, just fill in the blank. It hardly matters who the "group" is. Could be middle-class, white American males, for all they care. So long as the persecuted can be clearly identified by the media as being one of the "angry, tea-bagging, anti-tax reactionaries," or whatever have you.

    The fix is in.

  28. They can jabber about us being a domestic threat all they want. If they start acting like they really believe it that the times become exciting. They push too hard, someone will run the sheep/lamb calculus and get "boom" for the answer.

    WV: simmidef A fair appraisal of my remaining hearing abilities.

  29. And not one word about Waco that he on behalf of the government slaughted 80 plus men, women and children. And he worries about the Teaparty?

  30. Kindly note that NBC is featuring interviews with that "Waco guy", has had two 'weep for the poor' shows this afternoon, and in general has pushing both retro and present alarmist shixx.

    The People SHOULD be fwightened; wery wery fwightened.


    My sense of having more or less glimpsed TeeWee all day today, as i dropped in and out of the kitchen as I attended to weekend chores is thst:

    Das Administration's Propaganda Machinen is laying in the groundwork for strong governmental replies to the the dangerous anti-gov Populist-style People's Movements.

    It may be my elderly jaundice, but why do I believe that the campaign is going to be sealed with civilian blood, in order to provide the FRIGHT-LEVEL necessary for the current Admin to have a free hand in quashing The People's challenges to it's power?

    JohnM, unregenerate Red

  31. You got insta-lanched on this post, Tam. Congrats. :)

  32. I'll have you know that I am a member of the Marinus van der Lubbe International Firebombing Society! A Charter Member, might I add! Sheesh.


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