Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Oh, hell no.

Six years after the state Supreme Court dismissed his $433 million lawsuit against the gun industry, Mayor Daley today called for a change of venue — to the World Court normally reserved for disputes between nations and crimes against humanity.
Dick Daley is a venal, corrupt, lying sonofabitch, from a long line of venal, corrupt, lying sonsabitches. What he knows about ethics could be written on the head of a pin, in Sharpie. And this lowdown moral cripple, this wart on the body politic, smarting from one courtroom loss and pissing his britches over the possibility of another stinging defeat, this time in the highest court of the land, wants to run crying to the World Court, a body with all the majesty and legal authority of a mail-order divinity degree from Draw Tippy Turtle U., with his tale of woe.

Get bent, Dick. Go get good and bent.

Molon frickin' Labe, you scrofulous little toad.


  1. No, seriously, Tam, don't hold back. Tell us how you really feel.

    Obviously, the World Court is the place that Daley needs to go. It contains almost as many communists as the Democratic party.

    (Communists who will always rule with an iron hand as opposed to idealistic socialists who actually believe that utopia crap.)

  2. Welll, when you are using a constitution that includes the 1st amendment right not to get shot anything is possible.

  3. how serious is this danger to us all? do you think he can do anything to us with the world court behind him?

  4. How many divisions has the World Court?

  5. Not nearly enough.

    How many divisions could we put behind our blades of grass?

  6. "How serious is this danger to us all?"

    Well, let's look at the primary litigant and the august body involved:

    We have "a venal, corrupt, lying sonofabitch, from a long line of venal, corrupt, lying sonsabitches" who is also apparently a "scrofulous little toad."

    And he'll be pleading his case before "a body with all the majesty and legal authority of a mail-order divinity degree from Draw Tippy Turtle U."

    Seriously hilarious maybe, but not otherwise...except perhaps to the good names and reputations of scrofulous toads everywhere, and Tippy Turtle U.

    Al Terego

  7. I'm just going to go ahead and infer from this post that the esteemed mayor doesn't impress you very much. Using Og's vernacular, Mr. Daly seems to be way harshing on your mellow.

  8. Back in high school Mayor Daley used have a nickname....


  9. Hey ... Art Instruction Schools Inc. does not pretend to be anything other than a non-acredited art correspondence school.

    Stop insulting them by comparing them to that toad Daley.

  10. global village idiot2:18 AM, April 28, 2010

    Yet another tantrum from Baby Doc Daley. I'm unsurprised but still impressed. He's got a case before the Supremes and what does he do? Call them incompetent to have judged a previous case on the same subject!

    Chutzpah, thy name is Daley.

    I suppose I ought to give the mayor of Philadelphia his props (Mayor Nutter? Was ever a more appropriately-named Burghermeister elected? Phillies, you're sitting on comedy GOLD with your man!) If anyone would know of a missing right embedded in the 1st Amendment, it's the guy running the Birthplace of the Constitution...

    "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or prohibiting mayors from not getting greased; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

    I've got a bone to pick with my junior high civics teacher - HOW COULD SHE HAVE MISSED THIS?!

  11. Wow, Tam.

    There is NOTHING like watching an artist work in their element.

  12. Dick Da Turd may be the biggest oxygen bandit this side of the Rio Grande.

    I would like to see a class action wrongful death lawsuit by the relatives of the thousands of dead in Chicago, since his hoplophobic policies are surely the root cause of a lot of the Mordor Murder. Well, that and a thriving drug trade.

  13. Being a leftist politician must be great. Instead of observing your failures objectively and dealing with the consequences (and guilt) - you can blame others in public and receive applause. It takes a special kind of soulless monster to excel in the field.

  14. Let's assume that Daley (aka the scrofulous little toad) gets this case heard by the WC, and the WC says, "Yeah, you're right: Americans have no right to pack heat at all, so you've got a green light to round up the guns, their owners, AND the owners' families if you want."

    What then? Has the WC ANY authority in the United States? If not, then TSLT might as well claim that the Supreme Pooh-bah of Slobobia gave him permission to ban guns in Chi-town. But if so... then woe betide our country, because every tinpot liberal mayor, governor, city council, etc. will be heading to The Hague to get whatever socialist leftie commie rulings their hearts desire.

  15. I for one would like to just sit back and let this happen. Give the toad party enough rope to hang itself. I might be wrong, I have been accused of having too much faith in the American people, but I think that come election day people will remember who it is that tried to sell out America by crying to the world court.

    Does anyone know when Mr. Scrofulous is up for election next? I might have to send some of my hard earned cash to whoever opposes him (and I suggest others do the same).


  16. "Does anyone know when Mr. Scrofulous is up for election next? I might have to send some of my hard earned cash to whoever opposes him (and I suggest others do the same)."

    Why, is the US going to send election monitors to Chicago?

  17. Well, he gets ink in the papers. He gets to hire lawyers with the taxpayers' money. And a World Court civil judgement may be enforceable. Maybe not here, but I'll bet it would be in Italy or Germany.

  18. I wonder if this isn't some kind of ink cloud -- and if so, what Baby Doc (that's beautiful right there, global village idiot) is afraid is going to come out when Blagojevich starts singing.

  19. Ken,

    Given where Daley's most valuable employee is working now, I'm actually moderately surprised that Blagojevich hasn't been Becketed.

  20. Tam, you have SUCH a wonderful way with words. I'm in awe. You truly brighten up my day when you can rip apart a smarmy politician the way you just did.

    *Breathes a tremulous sigh* Can't wait to see what you write tomorrow.

  21. "Molon frickin' Labe, you scrofulous little toad. "

    His only option now.... seppuku.


  22. Gerry,

    Impossible. Seppuku is a way of restoring honor, and one can not restore what one never had.

    Besides, can you imagine Shortshanks writing a jisei?

  23. "What he knows about ethics could be written on the head of a pin, in Sharpie."

    A line that could be used for nearly any politician and an excellent one at that.


  24. "...his hoplophobic policies are surely the root cause of a lot of the Mordor Murder. Well, that and a thriving drug trade."

    The "drug trade" is an effect not a cause, in precisely the same way that "gun violence" is; both are the creation of prior restraint and restriction.

    It is the *war* on both guns and drugs that is directly responsible for the coroner there running out of body bags every weekend.

    Nowhere in America is it more obvious that those policies do not f'n work and in fact have exactly the opposite of the intended effect...you'd think even the scrofula in question would see that. Unless he has *other* motives, of course.


  25. Only by keeping the people constantly frightened of a bogeyman can you keep them clamoring to be led.

    Without their noble father, where would his children be? Unprotected, that's where.

  26. Yep, but if protection is his racket, he better channel up some earlier Chitown mobsters and get some tips on how it's done...


  27. "'We have to do different things. The political establishment in many state capitals — and certainly in Washington — [is] so deathly afraid of the NRA that people cannot make the right decision for their own constituents,' Nutter said."

    Will these asshats ever figure out that the reason the NRA is so "powerful" is because it has a lot of MEMBERS? Members who vote.

    "We have to do different things."

  28. Besides, can you imagine Shortshanks writing a jisei?

    Tam, we could help if it will move things along.



  29. "Well, that and a thriving drug trade"

    That was sarcasm, at.

  30. Given where Daley's most valuable employee is working now, I'm actually moderately surprised that Blagojevich hasn't been Becketed.

    Me too, actually.

    Day ain't over yet.

  31. Hey, lady, back off!!

    I graduated Laudy How Come from Draw Tippy Turtle U Class of '93! And my frat was Scrofulous Toads United all eight years I was there to get my dual bachelors degrees in Science of Fly Fishing and Quantum Basket Weaving!

    cap'n chumbucket

  32. Daily the Lesser will continue to do such things for the simple reason he can. No one has ever punished him for any of is actions.
    When he violated FAA regs by tearing up the runway of a field his developer friends wanted the fines and criminal charges should have put him away for years. Feds just shrugged their shoulders and said "Oh well." What few fines were levied were just rolled into "cost of doing business" in Chicago.

  33. "Lord Scrofulous RULES the wasteland!"

  34. global village idiot12:19 PM, April 28, 2010

    I live near Mordor-On-The-Lake, in Porter County, Indiana (Tam, your description of Lake County is spot on - I grew up in Hammond and Griffith). Baby Doc Daley is up for re-coronation next year.

    This story was made slightly more important by virtue of the fact that Rahm Emmanuel had said that he'd consider standing for election as mayor, provided Hizzoner didn't want to. No one in Chicago knew why he said that, because Daley is gonna be just like his dad Papa Doc- he'll die at his desk.

    That's what Chicago has to look forward to - Rahm Emmanuel succeeding Richard II.

    And lest anyone think I oppose this stunt of his, quite the contrary - I wholeheartedly encourage it and wish him well.
    a) It has NO CHANCE WHATEVER of actually working
    b) It has EVERY CHANCE of backfiring spectacularly
    c) Chicago is ALWAYS better off when Baby Doc isn't paying attention to it because he's busy with some silly and Quixotic trifle.


  35. WTF? Quote:
    "He added, "People are being killed every day in the United States of America with illegal weapons. I love the 2nd Ammendment. [But], I have a 1st Ammendment right not to be shot.""

    I never knew the First Amendment covered the right not to be shot. Maybe he should re-read it. Maybe re-read the second while he's at it?

  36. "That was sarcasm, at."


    So was that, og.

  37. Why, is the US going to send election monitors to Chicago?

    I hear ACORN has some free time. They have monitored quite a few elections...They still have paper cuts from where they were helping "voters" cram all of their ballots into a box.

  38. "So was that, og."

    yes, except one required a modicum of wit to spot; the other was merely rudeness. Do try and keep up.

  39. A modicum of wit = essentially witless...not rude, just fact.

    Ignorant statement or temporary lapse maybe, but you can't laugh it off; you own it.

    Can't fool the folks around these parts. Man up, man.

  40. Tam said...

    Why, is the US going to send election monitors to Chicago?

    Why not? Daley was a prominent election monitor in Florida 2000. . .

  41. Tam said...

    Impossible. Seppuku is a way of restoring honor, and one can not restore what one never had.

    Besides, can you imagine Shortshanks writing a jisei?

    How about assisted seppuku?


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