Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Overheard in the Dining Room:

RX: "Our textbook had a picture of three skulls, labeled 'chimpanzee', 'Neanderthal', and, I quote, 'modern Frenchman'."

Me: "Did they show a human skull for comparison?"

Remember: The wogs start at Calais.

Anyhow, been off on a biology tangent lately, having just finished Your Inner Fish. It's another of those books that really makes me want to have a beer with LabRat.


  1. Yeah, that was a pretty good one. And it's one you can discuss over a meal, unlike a lot of stuff I read, like Fly for the Prosecution

  2. The wogs often start just outside my front door, on a local level.

  3. Am I the only one who initially read the review of the fish book as being the story of a sturgeon with Tourette's syndrome?

  4. Hmmm, I don't remember Steven J. Gould talking about Frenchmen in "The Mismeasure of Man", but it was a long time ago that I read it.

    But I wouldn't be surprised that some nineteenth century anatomist had Germans and Englishmen at the top of the scale for largest brain, though.

  5. Hey its us English who are suposed to Hate the French after all we have beaten them many times or dug them out of the do-do so many times.

  6. I don't hate the French. I even respect them on some level, but they are so much fun to ridicule.

  7. "But I wouldn't be surprised that some nineteenth century anatomist had Germans and Englishmen at the top of the scale for largest brain, though."

    You mean 20th too, right?

    Fischer, Darwin, inter alia.

    Shootin' Buddy

  8. It can be arranged. The hop vines in the back garden are coming up lively this year.

  9. Je n'aime pas qui vous êtes, c'est ça drôle là-bas.

  10. "It's another of those books that really makes me want to have a beer with LabRat."

    Something I myself have done. It's rare that I get ahead of you on bucket lists.

    She's smart enough that you feel it in her rapid speech when you talk with her.


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