Saturday, April 03, 2010

Psst! Kid! Wanna buy a fish?

In the place where Great Britain used to be, a silver-haired granny didn't card the purchaser of a goldfish and as a result was fined fifteen hundred bucks and tagged like a migrating seal.

It's a good thing the bobbies are cracking down on this, using elaborate undercover stings to catch underage goldfish sales. I mean, if you let grannies sell goldfish to just anyone, next thing you know there'll be riots in the streets! It'd be a madhouse!

Besides, it's a known fact that goldfish are a "gateway pet" and that most everyone who keeps a rabid Bengal tiger started off with one of these seemingly-harmless fishies.

(H/T to SurvivalBlog.)


  1. We'll be looking at this crap in the US if we're not careful.

    Every hear about the Animal Welfare laws in Switzerland?.. They are even stricter. 160 some-odd pages of crap. You have to attend a special 4 hour training class before you are "allowed" to own a dog, so that you can properly interpret the animal's wants and needs. They only recently voted down a serious proposal to supply animals with their own lawyers, to represent them in court...


  2. If PETA had their way, she would receive a death sentence; one less human to oppress the noble animals.

    It is time to start standing people against the walls...

  3. I thought this would be your lead story.


  4. Hmm, I had goldfish as a kid.

    Now I have this.

    Maybe goldfish are a gateway pet.

    (he said, tongue firmly implanted in cheek)

  5. > Every hear about the Animal Welfare laws in Switzerland?
    > They are even stricter.

    And all this time I thought Switzerland was a beacon of libertarian utopia, because everybody has a machine gun...

  6. My county is stricter on dog adoption conditions than they are on child adoptions. So I went to a neighboring, saner, county where it is cash and carry at the pound, to get my dog, years ago.

    On the way out, carrying the beagle, I said, "These make good eatin' don't they?"

  7. "And all this time I thought Switzerland was a beacon of libertarian utopia, because everybody has a machine gun..."

    "Libertarian utopia"? That's a new one on me.

    I've seen it used as a refutation that the mere presence of guns in homes makes violent crime 43 times more likely or whatever, but it's otherwise very much a little alles ist in ordnung welfare state hive of Euro homogeneity.

  8. Her real crime was being a motivated independent business person. As the article points out by example, thuggish wards of the state are slapped on the wrists and released. They know that Labour butters their bread.

    The uppity middle class are the ones who have to learn who their betters are and stay in their proper place.

  9. "On the way out, carrying the beagle, I said, "These make good eatin' don't they?" "

    As a starving student of my aquaintance used to joke. "Four words that make my mouth water: Free to good home."

  10. Hey Tam, April Fools was yesterday.

    Wait, you're serious? Hopefully the revolution over there starts soon and their government gets thoroughly put back in its place. (Preferably not one by one on Traitor's Gate, but it is still there)


    PS - Nathan's smaller cat looks remarkably like one of mine.

  11. Nathan & reflectoscope--

    I'm thinkin' your cats have a bobcat in the woodpile somewhere...

  12. reflectoscope at 2:49 PM, April 03, 2010:

    "Hey Tam, April Fools was yesterday."

    So I wasn't a day late after all? Cool.


  13. They can have my cold, dead goldfish after I scoop it with my fingers!

  14. You would think that the UK authorities have better things to do than set up sting operations like this one. Or did that area's violent-crime rate plummet while I was asleep?

  15. I hate limeys (I'm Irish/Welsh/Scottish/German) and hope it just gets worse for them. No group of people have caused more human suffering then these @$$ho!e$. A pox upon them and theirs.

  16. Our local pound won't even let you "adopt" a dog until you prove you own your residence or bring a note from your landlord.

    I wonder if they have rules against straw adoptions?

    wv: grunt - them poor groundpounders

  17. That last is due to rental units that don't allow pets, adoptees who think the rules don't apply to them, and the revolving door at the shelter this results in; or the pet endin gup out the back door...

    Proof that you can keep the pet where you live before you adopt is for the pet's sake.

    WV: Subillam (on the lam in the suburbs?)

  18. Great Britain has officially Jumped the Shark!


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