Friday, April 09, 2010

Way down the rabbit hole.

So, over at Sipsey Street mention was made that the good old "mobile U.S. Army guillotine train cars" trope is back in the top ten.

This is our third administration that was about to round us up and decapitate us for being black white Christian gay Democrat gun owners militia kooks hippies racists Tea Partiers. (It's a pretty elastic meme.)

If the video at the link doesn't give you your daily dose of crazy, you can always go drink from the fire hose...


  1. Someone, somewhere, must be out to get me......Otherwise I must be unimportant!

  2. I don't know whether to cite the Boy Who Cried Wolf - or the Pitcher That Went To the Well.

    But I have met a couple of "progressives," who, like Bill Ayers, think the 80% of us who object to the Socialization of America should be "reeducated," a la Mao's China. At least they had sense enough to see that it is not a feasible concept.

    But I expect the really dangerous time to be December, 2012. Obama and his followers will have come face to face with the fact his great plans for a Luo headed hereditary kingdom has been rejected, and Obama's vanity will make it very difficult for him to relinquish power.

    Historically, the way out is to start a war.


  3. Hey, I was in the Marines and Army National Guard. I never got a "400 & 45 Mag Gun"!!! Just some shitty poodle-shooter.

    Oh course, I never had to ride Grayhound either. Maybe it's some kind of trade-off you can sign up for now.

  4. I like the people freaking out over the "plastic coffins". Sorry guys, those are vaults for normal burial, not a FEMA/NWO plan to kill all the Christians and rebels. How do these people sleep at night?

  5. Guillotines? Guillotines? Does this mean that as wookiesuiters we're going to have to go storm a Bastille somewhere? I just hope there's some cake left for my birthday in Thermidor.

  6. I love that when someone asks for independent proof of the guillotines and coffins and what-not, the guy cites ... the Gulf of Tonkin (misspelled) and 9/11. That's like asking for a chicken soup recipe and getting "Aunt Mabel's Thanksgiving turkey!!!1!1!" shouted at you instead.

  7. Great. Here comes the calls from a friend at work who believes all the BS that Alex Jones spews.

  8. wow, someone definitely needs to lay off the caps lock on that website. ugh

  9. Well, the case could be made that it goes back a few more administrations than that; might even find some troof from back when.

    "Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee surrendered to Union Gen. Ulysses S. Grant on April 9, 1865, 145 years ago today. Lee's surrender effectively ended the war."

    "Suspended" might be a better word than "ended" there.

    Al Terego

  10. Hey, at least from Tam's link I got a great picture of a guillotine.

    Would I get in trouble if I sent it to my Congressweasel?

    cap'n chumbucket

  11. Wow! Now that's special. Maybe add in some arenas and lions to fight and then it will be interesting.

  12. Yes, it all seems so absurd. Probably it is. But the history of the previous century is full of governments committing just this sort of murderous absurdity. And "it can't happen here" isn't as reassuring as it used to be.

  13. Fact of the matter is that Mike V is laughing about it. He knows as I would hope we all do, that this is just more conspiratorial Crap spinning out there to keep certain individuals riled up.

    Have to agree with Cap'n Chumbucket though. Great pic of a Guillotine. LOL Those torches really add a nice touch to the Blood around the headstock.

  14. But... but... but, the Feds have been buying an awful lot of shotguns lately./s (No really, I'm joking.)

  15. Sipsey Street's post brought up a horrible memory I've been trying to repress: I know Mark Koernke in college.

    He was a loon then, too, although not that kind of loon.

    wv: calga. I'm guessing it's an abbreviation for the nickname a certain Roman emperor didn't like...

  16. Man, you can make a movie out of this stuff!

    Call it "Beyond the Wookie Suit."

  17. Ya'll try this experiment :

    search box: MTV, popcorn, depleted uranium, suv, micro, lrad, egg, milk, water, silver, cereal, ibm, fluoride, farm, garden, mel,

    jesse, jones, beck, bush, clinton, obama, deception,rex, NASA, jfk ss, nwo,

    cfr, tri,ill, nau, nais, echelon, haarp, un, us, fiat, fda, ama, ada, tooth,

  18. Tamara

    I too am a Hoosier from Peru,IN.

    Guns ???

  19. 16,500 New IRS Combat trained 12 gauge shot gun Enforcers for Obamacare ???

    Internment Camps Hiring ???

    Enemy Belligerents ???

    RFID Chips in Obamacare ???

    Keep your chips, dip, couch, cable and 6 pack....while your freedoms are stolen and stripped from you daily !!!

  20. Tam, your internetz has been hijacked.

  21. Also we don't gots cable. We're on satellite.

    Bonus: I can outrun and outshoot you, Dan. Talk's cheap.

  22. Oooh! Oooh! (Jumping up and down excitedly) I want a mobile guillotine train car. Honestly, though this being Tennessee I will probably have to settle for an Iron Maiden Singlewide.

    Can anyone else hear the banjos?

  23. Roberta X, ever heard of agent orange, fluoride, codex alimentarius, operation garden plot, Rex 84 or Depleted Uranium ???

  24. You've had your three free spam comments, Dan. From here on, copypasta goes down the memory hole, capiche?

  25. Suddenly, I feel OK, about my spambot hitting me with incoherent anti-Tea Party rants whenever the words "militia" and "tea party" appear in a post...

  26. I like the way he "proves" his claims to that poor WebTV all-caps person by citing himself as a primary source.

    He should be thankful he was given a Tamalanch.

    More free traffic than he'll see in a year.

  27. Anyone who cites depleted uranium as proof of anything goes right to the round file. Yes, it's uranium. But the key word is depleted. Science FAIL.

  28. From Joe in PNG:

    See what happens when you visit Crazytown? They follow you back while shouting Loonytalk at you.

    And Dan, you're on the wrong track. It's not the New World Order. It's the Great Old Ones Who are Behind Everything. One day, when the stars are right...

  29. Joe in Ping, like say the Rothschilds, Illuminati, Bilderbergs, Warburgs, JP Morgan, Cain slew Abel & Secret Combinations ?

  30. I have to agree with Joe. I'm pretty sure our Dread Lord Cthulhu is behind it all. The guillotines just turn us into easier to swallow pieces.

  31. From Joe in PNG:
    No, silly, more like Dread Cthulhu, Yog-Sothoth, and other Eldrich Horrors of Dread.
    For Lo! in our country's folly have we placed even The Crawling Chaos Itself, Nylathotep, into our highest office! For soon the Stars shall again be Right, and again R'lyeh shall rise from the depths. La, Cthulhu R'lyeh! For the works of man are but nothing when the Great Madness returns! Ph'ngluimglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtang!

  32. Again from Joe in PNG:

    Wait, it's become even more clear to me! We've all been so blind!
    George W. Bush...
    Bush = Shrub...
    Shrub... = Shub-Niggurath!

    We're doomed!

  33. As a side note, do you think Lovecraft was any good at Scrabble?

  34. From Joe in PNG:

    "Yog-Sothoth!...Let's see, triple word score..."

    "Um...Howard... you just made that up, didn't you."

    "No, for Yog-Sothoth, the All in one of limited being and self..."

    "You know what, never mind... you win."

    "...known by an untranslatable sign..."

    "Yeah, wanna play somthing else?"

  35. Once more from Joe in PNG:

    Here's some random words for Dan to google...
    The King in Yellow (great play, the second half is the best ever!)

    And now I feel strangely drawn to go swim in the ocean... something about my ancestory in a small fishing village near Ipswitch...

  36. Anonymous Joe PNG, how bout this, we are all publicly traded stock on Wall Street ???

  37. (sings) "Croaking...bleating...
    Day or night
    Innsmouth has the look that's ri-ight!
    The Innsmouth look
    The Innnnnsmouth lo-oook...."

    (Helps to be of a certain age, plus a few years)

  38. Kristopher

    How about 1,400 independent sources ? Is that better than 1 ?

  39. I said it
    I believe it
    That settles it!
