Thursday, May 06, 2010

Any volunteers?

So, Matt Lauer, morning clothes horse on NBC, is talking to some terrorism expert about the dude who tried to set off the bomb in The Only City That Matters Times Square.

The terrorism guy said that it did look, in fact, like Faisal had been recruited by the Pakistani Taliban, despite all his neighbors back in Waziristan talking about what a quiet boy he'd been.

"Recruited?!" says Matt, "I thought he volunteered! But, I mean, wouldn't there be a test or something?" at which point I blurted at the screen:
"If you really wanted to join the P.F.J., you'd have to really hate the Romans."

"I do!"

"Oh, yeah? How much?"

"A lot!"

"Right. You're in."


  1. But I am a member of the Judean People's Front...

  2. Tam:

    Did you see the hysterical NYT story about the dude having a Kel-Tec carbine in his car?

    Or the hysterical WP editorial about how the NRA is a bunch of terrorist supporters because they oppose stopping people on the terrorist watch list from purchasing guns?

  3. Poor he's taking the blame for (pathetic, inept, wannabe) terrorists. AT

    wv: unbleted...can't unblete till we unvote.

  4. Yea.... Deserves a link too!

    Judean People's Front

    ...and here's them trying whip up the hatred of the Westerners ... I mean Romans:

  5. Horrible that real life is now but a pale reflection of Monty Python movies and skits.
    "... first as tragedy then as farce."

  6. Y'know, I think I'd volunteer to un-retire for the opportunity to school some tango on grammar and syntax...
    "Conjugate, man, conjugate!"

  7. He's not the Messiah. He's a very naughty boy!

    Naughtius Maximus

  8. I thought we were the Popular Front...

  9. Popular Front? Piss off!

    Whatever happened to the Popular Front?

    He's over there.


  10. He's not the Messiah. He's a very naughty boy!

    However, like it or not, he is the president. For a few more years, anyway.



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