Thursday, May 06, 2010

Technicolor crazy in 3D with surround sound.

Apparently America's most famous self-loathing closeted gay man made his bones as a civil rights lawyer back in the day in Topeka. Huh. Who knew?

Anyhow, his estranged kid claims that his civil rights work might not have been the product of egalitarian altruism, resulting in a torrent of crazy from his sister that is just full of comedy gold:
[S]he calls her brother Nathan a "rebel of God." She says her father didn't use racist language and Nathan wouldn't have been in a position to know.

"Nathan is a tortured soul," she says. "He has no grace. God had no mercy upon him. He's hardened his heart."

Phelps-Roper says her father and family have eked out a modest living and her father's church doesn't take money from anyone.

God said the world would hate believers like her father in the last hours, she says.
Shirley, did you ever stop to think that people don't hate your father because he's a believer, but rather because he's a rude jerk with the manners of a goat?


  1. "Nathan is a tortured soul," she says. "He has no grace. God had no mercy upon him. He's hardened his heart."

    Aaaaaaaaand we have a winner in the "doesn't understand the basic tennants of her professed faith, such as 'only God can know the heart' and 'man doesn't decide grace'" sweepstakes! Collect your prize tickets at the front window!

  2. I'd pay good money for George Takei to plant a big wet one on Fred Phelps.

  3. Quit insultin' goats.


  4. Phelps's family and church is still technically doing civil rights work. They show up, start saying something awful, and then sue the relevant authority figure for violating their civil rights after they're shut down. Rinse, repeat.

    Perhaps they actually believe the bile they're spewing, but ultimately these protests are fundraisers.

  5. "...but rather because he's a rude jerk with the manners of a goat?"

    So are many people, unless "fuck you" is now an acceptable substitution for "excuse me, didn't mean to bump into you".

    Perhaps he smells of goat?

  6. You know, if he just hated Freemasons like the rest of these nutbag preachers, I could deal with that. Used to it. No biggie.

    But intruding on servicemen's funerals...that calls for .45ACP right through the noggin. Put that asshole out of our misery.

  7. I ran into these assholes in a little town in Southern Indiana about 12 y/o. Had never heard of them and still don't know why the hell they were there.

    Being the jerk that I am, I circled back and got out to ask them WTF they were protesting about.

    I was polite and simply asking. That was a no go w/ Shirley and she got all up in my face screaming like a loon. I found out later that's one of the tactics they use to get folks to assault them and then they sue the shit of of ya. Quite the business plan.

    The one guy I had started talking to was pretty calm and had given me his card prior to Shirley getting involved. I made the mistake of emailing him and got overwhelmed with so much spam from those assholes I had to ditch that email account.

    I joined the Patriot Guard Riders when they started with the Soldiers funerals. They never showed up at the 1 soldiers funeral in Kokomo because the cops warned them that they couldn't guarantee protection.

    It is amazing that they are all still alive.

  8. The fact that these douchenozzles are still alive is a testament to the restraint shown by "our side", just like the (unreported) lack of violence and prejudice at Tea Parties. (Aside from the prejudice against scumbag politicians, but hey! We hate scumbag Republicans just as much as scumbag Democrats!)

    In fact, the continued survival of these blights on humanity also gives the lie to anyone who preaches the essential violence of the American psyche.

    wv: torstan. After the funeral, Pastor Torstan longed to carve a Blood Angel on Fred Phelps, but restrained himself.

  9. I suspect that if goats could read, they'd be outraged at being compared to pond scum like Phelps (may beetles nosh on his brains).

  10. Andy --

    I'd volunteer to run backup for Mr. Takei. . .

  11. "Who knew?"

    Uh, I did. And said so, right here in comments in another thread some time ago. Cut his legal teeth working for/with the A.C.L.U. ("Protecting Everyone From Every Infringement Of Their Civil Rights [except when it concerns the Second, Ninth, or Tenth Amendments]).



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