Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Freudian slip...

So I read this blurb at MarketWatch:
Next up: Kentucky's Republican primary on May 18, where conservatives are hoping to make a red state redder by choosing upstart candidate Rand Paul over Republican establishment pick Trey Grayson.
...and somehow my mind inserted an extra "r" in the descriptor for Grayson, and I thought "Wow, honest journalism!"


  1. Time for the Wookies to put up or fly off to planet Endor (aka mom's basement).

    "Wookies don't live on Endor."

    Shootin' Buddy

  2. So who at MarketWatch assumed the authority to decide Rand Paul was an "upstart" candidate?

    --A guy up 12 in a poll as good as any,

    --A guy who has been campaigning hard for months,

    --A guy who had good name recognition two years ago,

    Is hardly what political pros would call an "upstart."

    But maybe "upstart" is the new code word for someone who just pisses the media off.

  3. I was sitting the fence on this one.

    Rand Paul: Vote for me because my dad is crazy as an outhouse rat on foreign policy and so is I. The son of a politico deserves a guberment job!

    Trey Grayson: Vote for me because I'm a professional office holder and I deserve it because I'm part of The Club

    Then Grayson gives an interview that says Sarah Palin is not qualified to be POTUS. Not once but twice. I guess he's PO about her endorsing Crazy Dr. Paul.

    Sorry Trey, but she is qualified under the US Constitution, Article II, Section 1

    So I figure someone who wants to be a US Senator should have read the Constitution at least once in their life.

    I'll vote for Crazy Paul the Younger in the primary and see what happens in November.


  4. Gerry: But at least Rand has held a real job. Has Grayson every been anything but a leech?

  5. perlharqr



  6. Gerry:

    As opposed to the sane, sober, responsible, cautious people who brought you Operation Iraqi Liberation? (I mean, Operation Iraqi Freedom!) Yeah, unless it's disappeared down the memory hole, our initial name for Iraq acronymizes as OIL.

    I swear, sometimes I think Dick Cheney's a Persian spy.

  7. Lewis,

    Sorry but I don't worship at the Church of it's all our Fault.

    I agree Iraq wasn't worth the blood but the Paulites and Truthers go way past that.


  8. Personally, I think we need more crazy in Congress.

    Also, more fistfights on the chamber floor.

  9. Forget fistfights. All legislation should be passed by combat. The sponsors versus the opposition, fought with paperweights and letter openers. No quarter asked or given.

  10. I like a bit of what Rand Paul is saying, but I'm not sure if the first time someone holds elected office should be the senior house of our national legislature. Maybe if he'd run for local or state government so we could see if he actually lives up to his rhetoric.

    But Grayson is nothing more than a Kentucky Good Old Boy network product. I'm not going to vote in the Republican party for someone who was a Democrat until very recently.

    So, I'm hosed. I may just go in and do a protest vote in this one.

  11. "...Republican restablishment pick Trey Grayson.

    Well, I added an extra 'r', but it just sounds sort of like Scooby Doo when I read it out loud.


  12. Gerry:

    I wouldn't call it the Church of It's All Our Fault---and wouldn't worship there, either---but the Church of They Hate Us Because We're So Wonderful is even further off my list of worship sites.

    I look around and I see the whole "crusade" aspect turning into a self-fulfilling prophecy. I think that a quick punitive expedition into Afghanistan was not merely justified but called for (and so did Ron Paul), but I think, the way things are going, we're more likely to turn Arizona into Afghanistan than the other way 'round.

    And while Shootin' Buddy would tell me to put down the bong and take off the Wookie suit, I just can't imagine the hallucinogens I would have to ingest to trust the Republican Party to kiss our boo-boos and make it all better.

    The depth of their intellectual commitment and intestinal fortitude was on display as they ran around scaring seniors that socialized medicine for the kids would interfere with the socialized medicine for the grey-hairs.

    While I agree with Tam that more fistfights in Congress would be a good thing, I'm not looking for one here!

  13. Lewis,

    No problem, just a different view of the same world.


    I'm more for the use of slingshots and crabapples to settle the matters.


  14. I like a bit of what Rand Paul is saying, but I'm not sure if the first time someone holds elected office should be the senior house of our national legislature. Maybe if he'd run for local or state government so we could see if he actually lives up to his rhetoric.

    DaddyBear, I understand your sentiment, but I beseech you in all fellowship to consider: Another name for someone who works up through the electoral ranks is "career politician."

  15. Britt: I'm in. That would totally make me consider politics worth soiling myself in.

    "And on the floor today, 'debating' the 'Save Children From Icky Guns' bill, we have Senator Ogre from New Mexico, and Senator Feinstein from California. Fight!"

  16. Tam: Canings. We need more canings on the Senate floor.

  17. Some years ago I saw a video of an Asian Parliament debate--I think it was South Korea--that had erupted into a fistfight. What was striking was that several ladies--wearing very dignified business suits--were literally climbing over desks so they could get into the melee...

    Now THAT'S democracy in action!!

    cap'n chumbucket

  18. Personally, I think we need more crazy in Congress.

    Also, more fistfights on the chamber floor.

    Triple plus one for Tam. Cursing isn't enough, these brats need whupped every once in awhile. Maybe if the stupid hurt now and again, they wouldn't be so inclined to it.

  19. "Erupted into a fistfight"?

    Fistfight should be the default state of every legislature. On earth.

    Only something as dramatic as Fort Sumter or Pearl Harbor should suffice to distract them from beating each other.

    And I like the headline on the second story on the page:

    "Kagan tapped for High Court".

    Because, um, she's shaped like a barrel. Yeah, that's it!

  20. Interesting, Tam. I had the exact same experience, but even then it took me a few seconds to understand what you meant. -- Lyle

  21. "...Republican establishment trick Trey Grayson."

    I read it slightly differently...

  22. Also, more swordfights on the chamber floor.

    There, fixed it for you. (chuckle) Axes for those with Nordic ancestry, just for giggles.

  23. Fistfights?

    I want to see canings.

    ( word verification: devived XD )

  24. I'd be OK with issuing heavy hickory walking sticks upon taking the oath, myself


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