Sunday, May 02, 2010

Open source research.

Hey, kids! If you're using Wikipedia as a research source for your book report on "The Towns of Tierra del Fuego", be sure to fact check the captions!


  1. wild giraffe and artic monkeys? Someone is dipping into the distilled beverages again!


  2. So, are they artic giraffes, or zoo escapees? Do the outgoing and kind residents feed them?

    Don't tell Frank J. about the monkeys. He doesn't like monkeys.

  3. My head hurts just thinking about it... shaggy giraffes.
    So, would the Tierra del Fuegans shear them like sheep?

    wv: uncest. Is that a French word?

  4. Another attack by WikiZombies?


  5. Face-eating arctic monkeys, or just regular arctic monkeys?

  6. ANTarctic monkeys, it's the SOUTH Pole.

    And Anon, uncestor and noncestor are already words.

    MY captcha word, upon the ghost of G. Vincent Fosbery, V. C., is


  7. Antarctic giraffes perform a valuable function in the ecosystem by licking the icicles from rocky ledges / ship masts / roof gutters. Without this beneficial activity, both antarctic monkey and outgoing/kind resident populations would be dangerously culled by impalement.

    Antarctic giraffes are also the first line of defense against the dreaded antarctic drop bear.

    Jeez, did you guys actually read your Ranger Ricks, or just look at the pi'tures?

    WV = "oveness"; my car had this in spades today.

  8. Waiting here for The Won or some Senate hack to take Wikipedia to task for lax editorial policies/procedures...

  9. Are sure they are not artic monkeys that migrate with the artic terns?

    Could happen.


  10. I loves me some Wikipedia. There's always at least one student per class who is so colossally idiotic as to plagiarize from their entries without actually fact-checking.

    Instant "F," and saves me the dreadful horror of reading their shit.

  11. Why are people looking in the screen for all of the answers to life?
    Yanno maybe something like a coupla dead tree books, or listening to someone just a a little older than yourself that has been there or failed/succeeded at the subject at hand might have a little relevant input.
    I donno, they don't get their input from where I do. Who is wrong? I'm just an auold phart who lived through bad times , good times, and prepping for the end times. God look over you youn'ins.
    Last breath, we got yer' back.

  12. I've been there, and they are not really Arctic monkeys, they are descendants of Japanese hot-spring monkeys that were shipwrecked there during the 1421 Chinese voyage around the world that just happened to have missed all the populated areas.

  13. this is why I tell patrons that they shouldn't use wikipedia as a source

  14. I regard Wikipedia as a good starting point. If all you need is a quick and dirty overview, great. If you need actual information, use teh google.

    Although it's an excellent resource for pop culture information.


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