Monday, May 03, 2010

That was annoying.

My corner of the internets was cut off from Blogger this morning.

You can imagine the hair-tearing angst at Roseholme.

Perhaps someone was standing on the tube between here and the server, causing all the zeroes and ones to pile up.


  1. Too inept for serious villainy.

  2. This is serious; a massive buildup of unleashed snark could be dangerous.

  3. In the panoply of villains, Ryerson is a lower-level bureaucrat at best. He aspires to greater things, but deep down he knows he doesn't have the stones for it.

  4. I can't access mine right now either... grumbles.

  5. I am too old. You said "tube" and I am thinking "standing on a vacuum tube, somebody's foot is going to get warm".


  6. Yeah, but it's fun to blame him :)

  7. I'm still having problems... I'm running tubeless, so I'm at a loss. Maybe I need to open the door so the interwaves have a clear path.

  8. I was having the same issue last night. Maybe someone stepped on the tube here in DE and then moved west?

  9. Fred,

    I suspect it's a different issue.

    I could get the whole intertubes just fine, but Blogger was a no-go. And I mean any Blogger site: Front page, comment thread, what-have-you. The only way I could successfully see any blog was by running it through Google's translator service. I thought about going and playing with a proxy server, but I was way too lazy.

  10. Sounds a lot like what was going with me, although even Google's main page was also flaking out on me. Of course this morning it worked long enough for me to see your complaint and complain myself... and then I couldn't get at anything again... stupid interwebs...

  11. Conspiracy Theories 4 Free:

    Google shouldn't have p.o.'ed the Chicoms.

  12. Yeah the tubes are sometimes fickle. Occasionally a DSLAM throws up or the tubes lose B+ voltage. Oh, I can go with Tam's theory on the Chicoms!

  13. So that's what caused the flood in Nashville!

  14. Just think if you were cut off from Wikipedia!

  15. Tam said...
    Conspiracy Theories 4 Free:

    Google shouldn't have p.o.'ed the Chicoms.

    I was actually contemplating that all day...

  16. The Senate needs to launch an investigation into the sudden Hoosier Snark Crisis...

  17. "Just think if you were cut off from Wikipedia!"

    I'd assume that was the arctic monkeys' fault.

  18. @Tam,

    "I'd assume that was the arctic monkeys' fault."

    LOL! So much snark while I try to be technical and a bit snarky! Love it! I just don't have the skills yet!

  19. Could have been the Wild Giraffe. They are kind of tall, you know.


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