Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Business opportunity in the Middle Kingdom:

Open your own Rent-A-Gweilo franchise!

It's fun! It's profitable! You don't even need to speak foreignese!


  1. "It continued: "There are job opportunities for girls who are pretty and for men who can look good in a suit."

    I'd imagine there always are.

    Is it cynical of me to note there were no clothing requirements in that for the ladies.

  2. I read that quickly and thought it said "Rent-a-guido".

    I was about to ask how much it paid...

  3. So wait, commercials in the US didn't originate the totally out of place token? Damn...I'm crushed.

  4. I should start a business like that.
    "Roundeyes-R-Us", or "Rent-A-Token".

  5. Extra points if you play with the latest iWonder while working the crowd.

  6. "So wait, commercials in the US didn't originate the totally out of place token?"

    Dude, everything was invented in China. Printing. The Compass. Powered flight. Racism. Nuclear power.

  7. Don't forget blown off thumbs.

  8. I visited mainland China a few years back and random people would come up to me and want to shake my hand and/ or get a picture with me. Evidently, there was a certain prestige in meeting a "real" Westerner.

  9. I don't see the problem. Didn't George Soros and his Commie buddies do something similar in the last Presidential election? Might explain all the bowing at the White House photo-ops.

  10. Overqualified again- I act like I just got off of an airplane five minutes ago.

  11. Of course, in China, 'foreignese' would simply be 'ese', much like Chinese food would just be food...

  12. Okay, which one of yous can I rent for a week??

  13. OrangeNeck,

    I dunno; depends on what the rental's for.

    If you want to rent me to shoot a bunch of ammo and eat all the venison steaks in your freezer, I'd imagine the rates would be pretty cheap. Cleaning grout and tile? Not so much... :D

  14. Heh. A few years back, when I lived in western NC, I was fairly disgusted at all the flatlanders moving in and attempting to make their property look 'country' by festooning the yard with plywood cartoon kids peeing in the flower garden, and toilets full of foliage. I had a similar idea: to rent myself out as a 'real hillbilly', wearing overalls without a shirt, no shoes, toting a brown jug and a shotgun. I figured people would pay me to lay in the shade all day drinking, and taking the occasional potshot at trespassers 'n such.
    Should have tried it.

    PS: If you really want your yard to look country, plant a few rows of corn, and park a front-tine tiller out front, with a galvanized washtub over the motor. You could add a rusty Ford or two on cinder blocks.


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